Kenzi profile picture


Once in a while love strikes an ordinary life...

About Me

* Most people call me Kenz or Kenzi * I believe that God plans EVERYTHING that happens for a reason * I love pearls...and everyone knows it * I love to dress up ...I'm a classy girl! * I love shopping, but what girl doesn't * I love shoes and purses, I am basically obsessed * I love painting my nails obnxious colors like firecracker red and hot pink * Dark chocolate is my weakness * Ice cream is great too * I eat really slow * I am 5'2'' tall * I have bright green eyes and long brown hair * I love spring time * Variety is the spice of life * I am shy at first.....until I get to know ya * Pet stores make me cry * I am the QUEEN of board games, and I can get pretty intense about them * I love the ocean * Rollercoasters scare me * I am a morning person * I love country music and I am a HUGE Rascal Flatts fan * I used to play soccer....I love it * I love watching baseball * I believe in second chances in relationships, because I just might need a second chance myself one day * Don't make the mistake to thinkg that you deserve a third chance though * Fake, obnoxious, ditsy girls are so annoying * I used to work at Starbucks...until college * Forgiveness is the ultimate revenge * Sometimes it's hard for me to tell the people that I love how I feel *

My Interests

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I'd like to meet:

Mis forMesmerizing
Ais forArtistic
Cis forCasual
Kis forKissable
Eis forElegant
Nis forNerdy
Zis forZippy
Iis forIntense
Eis forExuberant What Does Your Name Mean?


Which Disney Princess Are You?
You are bookish but incredibly pretty. Belle was first seen in Beauty and the Beast (1991)

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