Just a blurb about me - Cheryl - Let's see, hmm, Well I am a female person who has had really unhappy kidney's resulting in 2 autotransplants. However, with kidney's snuggled in my abdomen, life is much less painful. Now I am like every other person, working a full-time job, being a full-time wife and full-time Mom to my five cats. I am a New York Ranger's hockey fan, or should I say, I am a faithful Jaromir Jagr fan. I have followed him from Pittsburgh, to Washington, to finally New York Ranger's. My husband says he is tired of having to purchase new hockey jerseys for me. I say Jagr is worth it. I really enjoy stand up Comedians like Shawn Majumder, Jeremy Hotz and Russell Peters. My favourite thing in the world is Tiesto's music. When I am down it lifts my spirit and when I am happy it keeps me beaming and dancing. So I have to say I am a survivor and life is getting better everyday!The Simpsons
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