Books, Books, and Books any kind, movies, music any kind as long as it speaks to me, friends (they keep my insanity in check), family (they contribute to my insanity)
There is actually a long list of people I would like to meet. The first being most girls wet dream Colin Farrell man he is hot, Nina Simone becasue she has a great voice and such a huge talent, President Bush so I can kick him in the nuts (I'll probably have to wait foorever on that one though),the inventor of cheese wiz (So great!! More than likely one of the best inventions ever!!!), my mother as a high schooler, Isabell Andell great author of some very important books, of course it goes without saying even though I am going to say it Nora Roberts (Yes she writes romance) I'm a girl so sue me, Dean Koontz because I have very rarely come across a book that can keep me awake at night and when I do fall asleep give me nightmares (that's talent) Mary Janice Davidson laugh out loud funny which is hard to do with books.
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Tool, Dixie Chicks, NIN, Deftones, Perfect Cicrle, Human Waste Project, Koko Taylor, T.J. Booker, Miles Davis, Method Man, Dean Martin, Sountrack to Across the Universe and many many more
Boondock Saints, Natural Born Killers, Love Actually, THE ANCHORMAN!!!,The ballad of Ricky Bobby (So Funny) Haven't even seen it yet but I know it's got to be great BORAT!!! Pootie Tang, Life as a House and so on and so forth
Just Hero's which is great!!!! Grey's Anatomy, and ER but that about sums it up and even then the only one I make sure I see is Heros ..
House of Spirts, I know This Much is True, Waking the Moon, Frankenstein, Farenheit 451, 9 Short Stories, The Tears of the Moon, All of the Stephanie Plum novels, Water for Elephants, The Time Travelers Wife,The Stand really the list goes on and on... too may to count.
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