The Flipsiderz (Spade K & Thrilla Thrillz) are the hottest rap group in the underground world. They are street Brooklyn rappers that clearly have commercial qualities. The Flipsiderz are known for many hits such as ROLL WITH A GANGSTER, FLIP DAT, WHAT DA FUCK, FLIPSIDE PARTY, ON DA FLOOR, I BELIEVE, Tha OH, and many more. Flipsiderz currently have a new blazing mix-tape, WHO SIDE U ON? DA MIX-TAPE vol.1. This Mix-Tape contains several freestyles and original tracks. To own a copy of the mix-tape contact your local bootleger or simply download it from this page.The Flipsiderz are truly a talented young group that the whole world should pay attention to. They are well respect by whoever hears their music. Spade K and Thrillz first started their group in 2000 while in high school. Ever since then Spade and Thrillz been working together to accomplish something they both enjoy doing. The name Flipsiderz came about in 2003. Many ask "Why the name Flipsiderz"? Well for many reasons, one is clearly because of their talent to flip their styles and flows. Another reason is because of their hustling habits which many real street people would know about, and simply because they always flipping. Their hit track "FLIP DAT" explains the whole concept of the FLIPSIDERZ D. WHO SIDE U ON?????????????????? FLIPSIDERZ FOR ALL VISITERS TO THIS PAGE...THE FLIPSIDERZ WOULD LOVE TO KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THE MUSIC...WE WOULD APPRICIATE IT IF YOU WOULD LEAVE A COMMENT*************************************
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