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People with positive attitudes and isn't down on themselves and isn't negative. I believe in walking forward and not always looking back at bitter sad things, because to me allowing these things in your path and not having God in your heart only gives bitterness to your soul. I hate it when people harp with a situation, I don't believe on dwelling on crap that upsets you, people don't like being around that kind of attitude. I like humor and people that are down to earth and aren't phony. I'm happily married and am a survivor, and I'm not looking to screw up what God has put in my life. I'm a dedicated friend, mom,wife, nd na,naSomeones profile said,"We're known for the company we keep" I wanted to add that here b/c I believe it's true. I got this off a website: His One Mistake He ate the most nutritious foods. He took his vitamins everyday. He exercised four times a week. He saw his doctor once a year. He never smoked cigarettes. He never drank alcohol. He was ready to live to 100!! The funeral will be next Wednesday. HIS ONE MISTAKE?? He forgot God! And lived as if this world was his all, so he is now with those who say, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." Jeremiah 8:20 Dear Friend: Are you making this mistake? Jesus says: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) The Bible shows how you can avoid this mistake: Romans 10:9-10 says: "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Taken in part from a vintage tract by Pilgrim Tract Society
I like Regetone, club, Bachata, happy oldies, some old country hits, Christian happy songs to Praise him in dance with. I love tunes of life and also to connect with Christ in praise. Life is beautiful and songs of happiness is what brings my real feelings out.
Coal miners daughter,
save the last dance,
Selena ,
whats love got to do with it,
steel magnolias,
I walk the line,To Sir with love,
who will love my children,
little miss broadway,
jerry lewis movies,
abbot and costellos greats,
also good comedy with george carlin,
Howey mandel,Iglesias Gabriel, and Bill Cosby. Best Pals
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I watch it whenever I get a chance and when I do its tv land greats, life time, geographey of Eastern Europe, comedy, nd mostly true story movies.
BiBle, peoples magazine.
My heroes are my parents and my grandmother who are no longer. I'm told I'm alike my grandmother who was tuff, stubborn, and straight forward. I thank her for her wisdom and understanding and her strength in which I have as well,, which helped me to cope with many difficult things that came my way with the help with our Lord Jesus Christ. I feel we should take advise when it comes our way and try to understand wisdom when its told to us. I believe we should treat the people we love as a flower for when the person is gone,, should of could of's don't change it. To them in the spirit world, mom I miss you always and always, and I'm so sorry for giving u hard times I know now you meant well for me which I will always cherish, and grandmother,, I'm your image,, and I know You'd be proud of me,, I think and am wilful and bold and am tuff and strong which is what made me servive all the hard times that I had gone threw. ,, I know you be proud of me, nd daddy I will always keep in my heart how U called me ur princess and loved me for me regardless of my flauz. God Bless and give u peace always to you 3 always. ..mspobj allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="