ȯ..(MaChO && AnGii3](^-^) SoHawt 7.23. profile picture

ȯ..(MaChO && AnGii3](^-^) SoHawt 7.23.

.. .. [ ! oO7.23.oO8 * )

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wusz gud!!! Diisz b33 yah bo0ii sk8bo0r3d p Straiight fro0m thk biig Bk all daiii ...Bushwiick Bro0klyn YA TU SAB3...Yah bo0iii wasz bro0ught to0 diisz 3arth 0n october 2,...y3w alr3adii no3 dah kiid iis mad k3wl 3nd dunt act hiisz ag3...but ii no3 w3n d3rsz a tiim3 to chiill and a tiim3 to0 b33 s3riio0us...fuksz wiid m3 uu q3tsz dun...kusz iim not th3 o0on1...Thiisz niikka iis o0n hiis grown and s3xii statusz lolszxxx...ii go0 to0 scho0l and iis o0n my shiit. So0 y3w gotta k33p up wiit mah gam3... g3t on mah l3aval... ii am th3 boss w3n ii saii ii am ...ii have no b3st fri3ndsz kusz lov3iin som3body y3w assosiiat3 wiit kan g3t y3w kiil3d ...onlii lov3 mamii... kusz Sh3 hasz h3lp3d m3 thr3w madd shiit iin liif3 and ii fuckiiing lov3 h3r for that...ii hav3 mah own 2 sayiinsz ...1.liif3 iisz liik3 skootasz 3nd sk8bor3d y3w gotta k33p pushiiin ...2.ii run thr3w liif3 3nd dunt stumbl3 ova mah w3rdszxx...lolszxx...g3t at m3 lata...y3w hav3 b33n bl3ss3d by th3 wordsz of sk8bored p HiiT mE uP iif Uu WaNt IIt


MACHO && RiiDA . ANGii3 && MACHO .