My little brother |
As a kid there were two things I prayed REALLY hard for and I got them both - thank you God. The first was chicken pox (long story) and the second was a baby brother. Chicken pox sucked but my baby br... Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 21:23:00 GMT |
An INCREDIBLE Outlook! |
If you're reading this that's a good indication that you can see! That might sound crazy but it's true. To be able to see is a blessing most people take for granted.
I went home for lunch and w... Posted by on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 16:17:00 GMT |
Solutions to Troubled Relationships |
By the grace of God I was able to write these response to 2 questions I'm often asked by young ladies in distress:
I know I'm supposed to forgive, but what if the same person keeps doing me wro... Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 14:54:00 GMT |