50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on?
Prefer black or blue pens? not playing right now
Dress up on Halloween? blue
Like to travel? not since i was young
Like Someone? who doesnt like to travel
Do they know? lol
Who sleeps with you every night? if i did they..'d better know
Think you're attractive?
Want to get married? nah not really
To: who wants to be alone their whole life
Are you a good student? someone who accepts a persons Wrongs and Rights
Are you currently happy? yes
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? no i wont be till i have my dream
Birthplace? no.....and i hope not but hey
Christmas or Halloween? Jersey Shore Medical
Colored or black-and-white photo? X-Mas
Do long distance relationships work? colored
Do you believe in astrology? no
Do you believe in love at first sight? not really
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? yes
Do you drink? when i..'m drunk
Do you make fun of people? yes
Do you think dreams eventually come true? sometimes
Favorite fictional character? if you work at it
Go to the movies or rent?
Have you ever moved? both
Have you ever stolen anything? yes
How's the weather right now? lol no
Last time you cut your hair? sunny and warm
Last person you talked to on the phone? last friday
Last time you showered?
Loud or soft music? this morning
Mcdonalds or Burger King? soft at the right time
Night or day? Burger King
Number of pillows? night
Piano or guitar? 3
Future job? piano
Current job? mind yours just look out for me
Current love? Boys & Girls Club
Current longing? me, myself and I
Current disappointment? playing football
Current annoyance?
Last thing you ate? being in Asbury Park and not at school but its for a good reason
Last thing you bought? Sheffields beef bacon ,egg, and chees
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? that sandwhich
What are you hearing right now? my paycheck
Plans for the weekend? DS & BI- Pull it, Cock It, and Pop It
What did you do today?
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? work and chill wit the fells
Pick a movie quote? Ds(mpr)-.."I..'m movin fast in this street life, a few niggas ahead of me, my pedigree is to stack chips that you will never see,more $ more problems thats definitely, past few days i had thoughts of niggas deadin me,but if that happen and i find out the heaven sweet, i preferrably never sleep, laugh wit banks and mess wit leek,.."
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Name Marc
Street Name(Nickname) Marc or Bump to only my realest niggas
Favorite Thing About Being Black white people are scared of us
Style Of Dressing anything fly
Favorite Brand of Clothin Scagnetti
Favorite Rapper Lil Wayne
Favorite Rapp Label Def Jam
Favorite Beat Producer The Heatmakers and Kanye
Slang Word U Use The Most no doubt
Ghettoest Thing U Ever Done fucked ya mom....nah i dont know
R u Ghetto (1-10) 10
Ever live in the GHETTO? all my life
Do u now? i just said all my life
U LIKE CHICKEN?? love it
Favorite cool aid flavor(color)? red
Do no wat the Piggley Wiggley iz? nah we dont have one of those
U like 50 cent? the old 50 when he was on Columbia Records
Have u eva been robbed? yep
What dont u like about white peeps?lol? they usually but not all think they better than us
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Bad Boys 2, Bad Boys of Comedy, Shawshank Redemption, Players Club, All the Fridays, Love And Basketball, The Last Dragon, Higher Learning, Dont Be a Menace to South Central While Drinkin Ya Juice in the Hood, Coming to America, Paid in Full, Juice
Your Love Number is
You tend to be a stubborn lover, holding your ground in every argument
You take your time falling in love. You aren't the type to lose perspective.
You are loyal (to a fault), and you require the same loyalty in your sweetheart.
At your best, you are a wise and inspiring partner - who sticks around.
What Is Your Love Number?I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
My Mom for basically raising my family on her own. I'm not sayin my father didnt do any thing but, he wasnt there for a good portion. My father also is one of my heroes because he's taught me almost everything I know about sports. PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com