Ishtar profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am Ishtar a professional belly dance artist , belly dance teacher, choreographer, singer, musician, and visionary.I am available to hire with dance group drummers etc for a variety of eventsPlease visit my website for more details endorsements etc.I also teach belly dance workshops and classes in the merseyside area details on www.ishtar.tvVideo of me dancing at Merlin theatre S.Wales.I love to dance and express my emotions. I love to sing write and speak. For me dance is a prayer, the erotic is the spiritual , the body is a temple to be worshiped. Spirit lives in matter. Dance is evident on the most micro levels of reality, such as the dance of subatomic particles and in the macro dimensions such as the patterns created by planets and galaxy's. Dance is for every one.Dance is a metaphor for life. Our existence is a dance we co- choreograph ourselves.Video of me performing and interacting with people at a party in Manchester for a primarily Arab/Asian audience. Lots of dance performance from the guests!object width="425" height="344">.. ....belly dance/burlesque compilationAn extract from my instructional DVD 'Arabesque' for sale From my site object width="425" height="344">.. ....The new Temple of Ishtar features image and video Galleries, varied Music & Belly dance Performances, an ever-growing collection of Articles and poetry relating to Belly Dance, Goddess, Spirituality and more, plus regularly updated information about Ishtar's Wirral and Liverpool Belly Dance classes, and range of belly dance, goddess and personal growth workshops, residential workshops and trips.Video-Slide show to a song a co-wrote 'I dance for heaven and earth'.Ishtar's Babylon Boudoir - selling gorgeous belly dance clothing and accessories, goddess jewellery and statues and many other beautiful, desirable items for the goddess within you...Video-Bronze club Cabaret-Turkish style.My message is; You have the power to be yourself, your body is sacred and beautiful. Through divine movement you can transcend the body to access the universal self. Contacting Ishtar E: [email protected]: 07944 564 302P: PO Box 184, Wallasey, CH45 9XR, UKURL: www.ishtar.tvVideo- Burlesque belly dance fusion-Studio performance choreography.object width="425" height="344">.. ....Belly dance warrior group performance

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Interesting intelligent people. Philosophers,musicians, dancers artists, visionaries in all fields.Video -Dark Gothic belly dance fusion- Studio performance.

My Blog

Spring news letter-classes,performances, workshops and more

Read on for New belly dance classes, South of France residential, workshops and more.... Belly dance classes Belly dance classes start again end of Jan o9 . Cheaper and sexier than the Gym, but...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 08:19:00 GMT

My top ten weirdest belly dance gigs.

..TR>..TR> ..TR> My TOP  Ten weirdest belly dance gigs.-        Swingers. Vampires, The Christian church, The gay club, Army officers. 'Henry's' birthday party, Port Me...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 06:27:00 GMT

Sacred Belly dance

Sacred Bellydance by Ishtar..:>   Belly dance is so beautiful in so many ways. For me it is an art form that is transcendent and spiritual. Belly dance is an ancient sacred art. It is a great me...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 13:33:00 GMT

January 09 Classes booking Now!

January 09 Classes booking Now! Bellydance Classes Liverpool Venue: The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool 1  Start Date:   Jan 27th 09 (ten weeks) Beginner/Intermediate 6.30pm - Intermediate...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 13:08:00 GMT

South of France residential at Camp Paradiso

South of France residential at Camp Paradiso Healing through divine archetypes DATE APRIL 2-7th 2009Price SPECIAL OFFER UNDER HALF PRICE FOR THOSE WHO BOOK THROUGH  £299 (two...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 13:07:00 GMT

The illusion of Seperation.

  'Where are you my daughter?' The women shouts, her hair flies in the scented breeze like thin threads of gold. A million stars reflected in her eyes as she looks to the night sky and asks,-whe...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 04:58:00 GMT

Judge, lest thou not be judged !

Judge, lest thou not be judged ! Sai Baba was asked how he could perform his many miracles of physical manifestation. His reply was that he simply does not judge. Does that mean perhaps that, as a co...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 15:04:00 GMT