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You decide to answer when my fist swings hello.

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We met this dude at Penn station... he was meowing at people trying to promote himself as an entertainer... Vinny AO is his name, he hails from east brooklyn. We shared a train ride home after recording this video of him. He fucking rules.

Well I woke up this mornin with the same frustration from situations like these. Got a call about some work from one of them temporary agencies. No high school diploma or any college degrees. I can't enlist but they'll draft me if there's a war overseas. Oh please. Of course I can slice some OZs. But see I'm one of those aspirin MCs. And uh bills are due so at times I'm doubtful and everyone disagrees. But I'd rather struggle on my feet than to live on my knees. So my uniform tight workin all night at Mickey D's. Got about 98 dollars and some change after the government get they fees. These minimum wages ain't enough to feed my babies. Purposely these limitations on black folks opportunities. So I quit cuz I'm tired of being one of those overworked underpaid employees. Stop carin at all went on and did a few small burglaries. It seems like my face done turned into forgotten memories. And I ain't gettin away with nothing because I know he always sees. But see right now I need to see how I can get this here dope sold. I done stuffed in my pocket as many rocks as it can hold. They gon get high so I'ma get my money even though it's freezin cold. Now how many times you done heard this story told? Believe it or not, it's some very intelligent junkies. But dependencies is eatin away at they souls like disease. Anyone can turn into somebody who covets and envies. Unequal economics can easily make you some enemies. And the crime rate never drops so the cops ride around in threes. I knew he would have killed me if I did anything but freeze. They found the rest of the dope in some nearby shrubberies. In a dimlit room being questioned by these authorities. And they gave me some time in correctional facilities. And now my woman's gotta take on a man's responsibilities...


Top Artists...


Departed was shao.


eh, not so much.


dune, song of fire and ice... shit like that.


my bros, my family and slash.