My name is Ed, I am a full - time FF/EMT in York, Pa. I am a part - time EMT with White Rose Ambulance in York, Pa. as well as a part- time firefighter/ EMT with the Lineboro Vol. Fire Dept. in Lineboro Md.
I am married and have (1) 8 yr. old son. I enjoy spending time at home during my time off ( usually is not a lot of that.) I enjoy camping, hunting and fishing.
for pa firefighters only
Red or Black Helmet Red
Drager or MSA MSA rules
E-One or Pierce Pierce
Amercan LaFrance or Seagrave Segrave
Minitor 2 or 4 Minitor 2 (the best motorola ever made)
Pittsburgh Expo or Harrisburg Harrisburg
Stat or Lifeflight Stat
Quint or Squirt Quint
2 1/2 or 1 3/4 2 1/2
Deck Gun or Monitor Monitor
Verizon or Nextel Nextel
Low Band or High Band High Band
Triple Trim or Single Trim Single
PBI or Nomex Nomex
Turtleshell or Traditional Traditional
Bentleyville or Midway Midway
What Dept. are you from Porters Fire Dept.
is it in pa yes
if so what county is it in York
did you like this survey yes
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Fire Fighter Myspace Layouts
What Rescue Tool are you?
You are the Spreaders
You like going in head first, rip it open, pry it apart, from the school of hard knox! Adapt, overcome an whip some AXX
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What type of firefighter are you?
Truck Company vents and searches. This company is very important. They save lives and help the engine company complete their job by allowing air in the building
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