I already wrote a lot of this. I love to play basketball, and I suppose I like to play a lot of other sports too like football, baseball, frisbee, dodgeball, capture the flag, and all sorts of other stuff that makes to move around a lot. But basketball the most. I love to read, I don't have a particular genre I love the most, pretty much any good book will suffice. And I love reading newspaper and magazine columns, especially from the Pony Express. I f the Jazz, Mariners, or Cowboys are on TV, I'll want to watch them. Especially in the playoffs. I like TV and movies, but not really movies on TV. And of course just chillin' ot with homies is always fun no matter what you're doing.
I want to meet cool people who like to have fun and aren't afraid of being who they really are. And a girl who gets me (whatever that means). I want to meet Barack Obama (although I already shook his hand), Kamyron Brown and Nicholas Fearn (although I already played basketball with them), John Stockton, Jeff Hornachaek, Edgar Martinez, Derron Williams, Tony Romo, J.K. Rowling, and Jerry Sloan.
Not a huge music fan. I never really listen to music. I know it's weird, but don't worry about it. I like the scores from Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. I also like the song "White and Nerdy." And the Oregon Duck fight song is awesome. And of course the TNC. They are my favorite band/group.
Star Wars (the original trilogy) are my favorite movies, and the second trilogy is also great but nothing compared to the first. I also like Lord of the Rings (which are way different from the book, but in a good way), Harry Potter (which just got tons of stuff left out, its stupid), Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Anchorman, Rudy, Miracle, Office Space, Dumb and Dumber, The 40 Year Old Virgin, The Brave Little Toaster, Tremors, The Matrix, Glory Road, and October Sky.
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The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, King of the Hill, Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, South Park, Sportscenter, March Madness, the Playoffs (for football, basketball, and baseball), Scrubs, Malcolm in the Middle, stuff on Animal Planet and the History Channel, and Spongebob Squarepants.
My all-time favorite books are Harry Potter, its just an amazing series. Number seven is my favorite. Such a good book! But my other favorites include The Lord of the Rings, Holes, Redwall, Star Wars in general, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Outsiders, That Was Then and This is Now, Transall Saga, Tangerine, The Good Earth, The Old Man and the Sea, The Da Vinci Code, Tyrannosaur Canyon, GOOSEBUMPS (those were AWESOME), The Hobbit, The Adventures of the Baily School Kids, Of Mice and Men, and Roll of Thunder, Here My Cry. I like books that are fun to read, and books that make you think about stuff.
Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, and Harry Potter. I also look up to everyday people who just make this world a better place. They are heroes in a different sense. Also, God isn't a hero of mine. Ask me about it sometime.