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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

About me hummm..... well i'm not your typical mexican-american / Native american 1/8(Cherokawa Apache, and Pascua Yaki)... I drink, i quit smoking going on a week!! (shooting for the rest of my life.), i used to be a fighter, now i'm a lover. I'm a laid back, easy come easy go kind of guy, i don't take things too seriously (don't like to be misled.) at least until i know things are for real, and not just a one time thing. I play instruments, guitar, bass guitar, but my first instrument was drums. i used to be in a heavy metal band back in Austin, i also played in a mariachi group. trying to pick up my roots. Well i've gone thru bad relationships... and i've had bad things happen to me... so i i just chalk it up to experience, and try not to let it happen again.... Some relationships were good though, but things just don't work out the way we planned, most of the time. huh? I born in Austin, grew up everywhere, and trying to settle down. as of right now, I'm curently attending AIH (Art Institute of Houston) going for an Associate of Applied Science; or Bachelors now trying for a bachelors(Culinary Arts) yeah... i get to handle knives... hehehee!! J/KWell your probably tired of my lame ass background about myself... so read somthing else already....

My Interests

Different, original, cool, new "About Me":

Basic Info
Name: Antonio H. Samilpa
Age: 20
Race: Hispanic/Native American
Sexual Preference: Females only
Relationship Status: Complicated
Religion: Roman Catholic
Birthday: 02/03/1987
Shoe Size: 10 1/2
Hair Color: Black
Eye color: Dark Brown
State you currently live in: The Lone Star State... Texas!
Color: Dark Red, Black
Type of Vegetable: Carrots
Song: Many
TV Channel: 43
Radio Station: ?
Animal: Don't know
Day of the Week: Friday
Shoes you own: 5 pair?
Cell Phone/ Playstation/ X-Box Game: I guess Gears of war... Don't really play
Holiday: Christmas
Album/CD you own: Right now... the Sage Francis
Least Favorites!
Food: poi
Animal: Snakes!!
Color: Yellow
Drink: V8
Song: All the Now HIits
Name: ?
Class in school: History
Person in the world: Don't know... or do i
Genre of music: Like all, very open to music
Dance move: walk it out....
Sound in the world: Nails on a chalk board
Smell: People who havent bathed in days...
Do you prefer This or that:
Ice Cream or Sorbet? Whatevers closer
Soda or Juice? Juuice
Car or Truck? Mini Van.... lol Naw Truck
Cell or home Phone? Cell, sneeksy peopleses at da casa
School or work? Nither
Old Navy or Gap? Walmart... naw proly gap old navy stuff is bad
Walk or Run? Both
Trees or flowers? Both.. Dr. Green Thumb :)
Dance or sing? Both
Club or bar? BAR!!!
Friends or Family? BOTH One big family
Cookies or Brownies? granola bar
Hangover or Flu? hangover, passes quicker
Tattoos or Piercings? tats
Text or Talk? Talk, IN PERSON
Cigarettes or Alcohol? Nither,
About your relationship(s) or lack there of....
Who are you in a relationship with? N/A
If no one, why not? It's Complicated
Who was the last person you kissed without any feelings for them? No one
Where was your last date? not really shure it was a date...
When was the last time you had sex, or do you still have your V-stamp? wouldn't you like to know.
What was your biggest relationship mess-up so far? Miss comunication!!!! -- Gets me every time.
Do you regret any relationships (long term, short term, one nights, etc.) that you have had? Naw, i learned from them
Do you find yourself happier in a relationship or solo? Relationship, but no one can put up with me... lol
When dating, who gets priority? Friends, Family or Significant Other? Family, until we get married... n thats not for a while.
Are you good at relationships? somewhat, still some bugs thatneed to be worked on
Are you afraid of commitment? Naw, only if its with the right one
Do you like to date around and explore or stick to one person? Stick to one
About your job....
Do you work? Used to
If so, where? Phonecia Market... Bakery
For how long have you worked there? 3 months
What exactly do you do? Baker
How much do you make? 10 an hour, after a week of kissing ass
Is it your dream job? Naw
If no, what is your dream job? don't really know, figureing that out right now...
About School
Are you in school? Si
Where? Art Institute of Houston
When did you/will you graduate? in a month
What was/is your favorite subject? Art Culinaire
Who were/are your friends? Ian, Andy, Corey, Efrin, Da Boys from D212, All Chefs... many....
Did you ever skip a class? Naw, i pay too much
Why or why not? I just said, i pay too much
What is your major? Associates of applied science
Have you ever gone to class drunk? twice... those were good nights
Have you ever gone to class high? naw, i quit that stuff
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Naw, either dudes or they're old
WHO!?!? N/A
What do you miss most about elementary school? Nap TIME!!! , and friends
What is your best school related memory? Jeremy L., my first fight... i became fearless after that
Did you/do you play any sports? Football, soccer, tag, naw not in school on da streets
Were/are you in any clubs or other extracurriculars? Art classes
Your dirty little past.....
Tell a secret: Naw i don't know you that well yet
Hardest drug you have ever done? Ummm... next subject
When did you lose your virginity? Wouldn't you like to know
What did you drink the first time you got drunk? Jungle Juice
Have you ever lied to a friend? Naw, white lies, to save him... i guess it's still a lie
Have you ever cheated on a test? Once, and learned from it
Did you ever fail a class? border line never failed
Have you ever intentionally hurt someone (feelings or physical)? Yup, people who ask for it...
Does anyone know everything there is to know about you? Naw, only my sis
About your family!
Are your parents still together? Si
Do you have siblings? Si
If so, how many? Ages? Names? My nana, Frank. Christy, Adam (Stimpy) you my boy blue)
Is your family close? Si, closer than its ever been, were a huge family
Who is that one person in your family that you just cannot stand? I love my family, what u talkin bout willis?
About your future?
What will you major in? We went through this
What college do you wish to go to? In college
Do you want to get married? Si
Do you want children? Si, someday
How many? 2 to 8, i like big familys, and nothing un even
Where will you live? Austin, currently in Houston
What kind of car do you want? a TRUCK!
About your friends!
Do have lots of friends or just a close few? A close few, and a lot of accuaintences
Do you talk to and see your friends frequently? (Myspace and Facebook do not count) Si
How often do you talk to them? Very Often, when they arent busy
Who would you say your closest five friends are? They're equally close, except my bro Panch-- He's tito
Are you still friends with the people you knew in middle school or high school? Si
Would you do anything for your friends? Si, although it has a limit
Okay. Phew. The End....
Was this a good, original "About Me"? My first
Would you recommend it to your friends? I guess
Who do you think will re-post this? Don know
Who do you think will read this? Whoever finds it, or reads my MYSPACE.
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I'd like to meet:

So many people. Mostly my idles, inspirations, and people i all around look up to... On the other hand though.... .... i wouldn't mind meeting new friends, possibly a girl interested in a relationship?found this latin layout at HOT :: MyHotCommentsbreak...
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T Trustworthy
O Organic
N Nutty
Y Yummy
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Name Acronym Generator

Mickey Z
People Iced: Twenty One
Car Bombs Planted: Three
Favorite Weapon Shards of Glass
Arms Broken: Thirty Three
Eyes Gouged: Nine
Tongues Cut Off: Eight
Biggest Enemy: Jack Hammer
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If Antonio were a drink they would be:
4 parts alluring 3 parts graceful 4 parts sorrowful
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Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (50%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (52%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain
Are You Right or Left Brained?
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Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 34%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 62%
Dependent |||||||||||||| 58%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 54% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
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What Classic Movie Are You?
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You're a Romantic Kisser
For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance
You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea
The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood
It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet What Kind of Kisser Are You?


I'm open to all kinds of music. I've played in a two bands. I play alittle guitar, bass, but my main instrument is drums. Being that it is part of my culture I also play Mariachi. (in the picture i'm on the left, with the specs), but I like any music from Old school rock (AC/DC, Led Zepplin, ZZ top), to jazz and blues (Sachmo, BB king) My idle's in music, have to be Jimmy Hendrix, Santana, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Malo. My music now in day go along with how i'm feeling, like if i feel calm i put some Bob Marley on, or if i feel like kicking some ass, and bashing skulls in... i'll put on some soulfly, MSI, Trivium, Professional Murder Music on... But yeah...


I like all kinds of movies... ...but mob movies, and any suspense or revenge movies are the ones i can watch over and over and not get tired of. scary movies, some scifi (stephn king, john carpenter...), really it has to appeal to me in the preview, or i'll have to get good feedback from it, in order for me to see it. Quintin tarintino is the shit!!! Pulp fiction is one of my favorite movies. some other favorites are: American history x, carlitos way, blood in blood out, godfather 1,2,and3, and many more. Others Jay and silent bob strike back, clerks, dogma, the prophecy, THE PROFESSIONAL, The mariachi trilogy... i can go on.


some basic tv is ok every once in a while. Family guy, Futurerama, american dad, Dave C's show, mind of mencia, George Lopez... ... I also watch the news... you gotta see whats going on in the world. right?


hahaaa books.... ....oh, your serious... Naw really.. i try to read books every so often. i've read alot of Ann Rice, J.R. Token, Tim La'haye, and of course Stephen King. Anything mysterious, and has a vampire feel to it, or anyhting with a good ending. Yes you jerks i'm a hopless romantic, laugh while you can...


My Grandparents basically because they 've done alot in their lives. they are strong, even when the everthing was against them, they prevailed. (A.F.L.C.I.O. , World WarII, and raised 12 kids{Dads side}; 5 from my other grandparents {moms side}.

My Blog

Viva la Raza!!!

If you look at it...   we are all imagrants. even the native americans...  that whole ice bridge thing, and the neanderthals crossing, and well you get my point... I was at the protest in ho...
Posted by Tony on Tue, 02 May 2006 11:52:00 PST

Da Band

I have a band wow only TWO thing left to say... (and Darnell can agree with me)... *** Scroll***       ....       *DRUM ROLLS*       HUEVO SPLASH!! ch...
Posted by Tony on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:27:00 PST