playin ball, hiking, video games in large quantities, cooking and then eating it, video games, shooting, playin with my guitars (but not very well yet), and a bunch of other things I can't remember right now.
Anything that sounds good. Dig on the Hawaiian bands, mainly Iz, 'ekolu, kolea, mana 'o company, and three plus. Kanye West is always good with some Jack Johnson and the Primitive Radio Gods. In fact, other than some straight up gangsta rap, terrible metal, and country, I probably like it. I've been listening to Jon Cruz for the last week, and I love this guy, good stuff man.
If you don't love war movies, then I don't love you. We'll start with the classics, Midway, Tora Tora Tora, move on to some Saving Private Ryan mixed with some Band of Brothas. On to Black Hawk Down. For a lighter meal, I like Spanglish and About a Boy, The life Aquatic, for some reason Whale Rider. And just to look cool for the ladies the Die Hard/Star Wars/Indiana Jones Trilogy. By the way if you haven't seen Munich, skip the awkward sex scene and enjoy the show....
Scrubs. That's it, that's all you need. Alright tho, Futurama, Simpsons, The Office, Home Movies, MST 3000, the original Ninja Turtles, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Firefly, and BattleStar Galactia, but keep the last one on the DL
Rubicon is a great book about the death of the Roman Republic, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (actually all his books are good), uh, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Constantine's Sword, Stalingrad, Ishmael, Freedom's Sword, Mein Kampf (it's interesting), A tale of two cities, Panzer General(? the one by Heins Guderian), Operation Barbarossa, Waterloo, and Where's Waldo. There's a whole lot more that I can't remember off the top of my head tho....
My parents and Captain Planet, because his song says he is. Oh yeah, the ROCK!!!!!