best of friends, religion, weekends, carelessness, spending the whole weekend with the same people sleeping at the same house, eating all the food the parents bought within the same weekend, pizza, doughnuts and milk, fast food, man voices, 4 person gang vocals to bands that say their own name in their songs, mean muggin, starting a movie and getting too occupied to finish it because one of us needs to check our myspace or clean our creepy piercings/get rid of dat septum funk or eat, getting into anime and getting made fun of for it, watching johns 7 animals parade around the house chasing each other, thinking and then saying the exact same thing as my best friends and then saying "same person", pretending to be serious, not being able to be serious except when telling each other that we love each other and will never leave each other then compliment the shit out of each other and give each other smoochies, never really ever being serious and making fun of everyone and everything surrounding us, goodbye hugs including jumping that last for forever, getting into and over exaggerating every move we make, awkward silences with new people, trying to get johns snake to sit still, listening to johns cats meow, singing the wrong lyrics and pretending they're right, making hideous faces, pileups on dee's couch, livin in the same clothes all weekend/not showering all weekend, nonstop laugher that turns into tears and pissing/shitting of the pants, laughing at bjorn jokes that tend to never be funny or make sense - normally ending in "what the fuck, bjorn?" then all becomes awkward, saying "i know what you mean", "i feel you", "yeah, true" to get someone to shut the fuck up, my mother's delicious cooking and awesome stories, getting hyped about everything, greasy hair being normal after a shower of scrubbing the shit out of it, bjorn fawkin brother, sweet novel long messages, eyebrows, mascara, big purses, chapstick, hoop earings through flesh tunnels, "best" and "friends" crown bracelets, wraping tape around johns head, spraying perfume in johns hair, hardcore and hip fucking hop, being delirious, pissing everywhere BUT the toilet, hoodies 24/7, shoes, nailpolish, ny transit, nyc, peanut butter, yogurt, water, bagels, history class, google, capsfuckinglock, indirectly making fun of idiots in their presence
sn = RAD DAN 666