i'm chase.
i'm 23.
my grandpa, on his deathbed, told me not to take shit from anybody. and every day since, i never have.
i work at Trion World Network. if i could jump into a time machine and high five my 12 year old self, i would. i got a job in the game industry, something i never even thought was possible.
my 360 gamertag is BEAR HELLO. PSN id: bear_hello
on the side, i write scripts, stories, etc. i make comics for fun...ideas and brainstorming are my forte.
i like a challenge and will always strive for what's just out of reach until i get it. it's my downfall.
i've been told i'm good with little kids. for the most part i am, until they pants me or kick me in the nuts.
i don't like growing up. but holy shit, i love beer and buying it is cool now.
i like to laugh. i love to make people laugh.
i love my family. they come first, no matter what. close friends qualify in this category as well.
i can imitate people really well. how they walk, talk, etc. sometimes it gets me in trouble.
my food of choice is frozen pop tarts.
i like cold weather. i like when my room is cold. hot weather pisses me off.
i think people that value animal life over that of a human are pathetic. and peta is dumb.
i sleep a lot. usually, on the couch. it's my bed part 2.
i'm a pretentious indie-asshole when it comes to music. i'm sorry, it can't be helped.
the talking heads are the best band ever.