I love camping and boating. I love partying with friends and drinking LOTS of Vodka. I like snowboarding and shopping. I like to socialize with people.
Friends that I have not talked to in awhile.
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I like most kinds of music. But I like to be able to understand the words. I am a big fan of Tim Mcgraw. He is my favorite!
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I have a lot of heroes! First of all, My parents are at the top of the list! They have always been there for me throughout hard times! I don't know what I would ever have done without them! Also, My husband! If it weren't for my husband, who saved me from all those Asshole boyfriends, I might still be with a loser! He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me! And my friends who have always been there for me and helped me through rough times. And who have never judged me for being me and accepted me for who I am!