Amanda Marie Duke (Laurie).
Anyone that takes anything that I say as being anything other than sarcastic should think twice. Meaning, I am being a smart ass all of the time. This means that:
-Hugh Laurie IS my husband. Irregardless of what the press may lead you to believe, we ARE still together. But don't ask him about it because he'll totally deny everything.
-Barbara Walters isn't really my mother. I only wish she could've been. Ok, maybe not my mother. I wish that she could've been an older cousin who would've shown me the ropes of breaking down the biggest douchebags in America. If that were the case I would have been a pro by now.
-I am not a body builder... Period.
-Yes, I AM aware that I have a "little boy's haircut." No, that does NOT make me a lesbian or any variation of the sort.
-I do not know who Candy is, nor do I know about the children that she claims to have bore with me. She is crazy! And if she tries to tell you any different, please call my lawyer.
-I am NOT a swinger. And really, even if I was, I wouldn't be advertising that sort of thing here. That's what Craig's list is for.
-I am not a parent... Again, regardless of what Candy says. *EDIT* I had to change my parent status on here because I was getting too many e-mails about what a MILF I am and asking to see pictures of my non-existent children.
-I don't really stalk people. Who has time for REAL stalking when there is myspace? Perfect for cyber-stalking.
-And lastly, I am not a Gangsta Rap Artist. I mean, it's a cute thought, but really... Isn't it a bit insulting to the real "gangstas" to put me in the same category? I mean, don't get me wrong, I have logged my time in on the streets and all, but I am still a mini-G.
"You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you."
Song of Solomon 4:7
Layout by CoolChaser