I LOVE: BENNY, CAIRO, Shopping, Coffee, Eating(especially sweets!), Fashion, Spas, Parlors, Hanging Out w/my Friends, Good Converstations, Going to Bars, Drinking, Dancing, Watching Movies, Reading a Good Book, Going to the Gym, Yoga, Pilates, The Beach and Contact Sports!
People with a great sense of humor :-)
Batman Begins, Pirates of the Carribean 1 & 3, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Cutting Edge, The Terminal, Spiderman, Underworld, Sweet Home Alabama, The Fast
Grey's Anatomy, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, House, 24, Prison Break, CSI, Lost, Fear Factor, American Idol, Smallville,
Next thing on my list, The Secret, Last Chance Saloon, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, Harry Potter and a lot more! I love books!
The men in my life: MY DAD, BENNY