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About Me

get your own layout here.get your own layout here.MEssAqEmeh get your own layout here. kC0MENtmeh PiCTUrESyUR PlACE get your own layout here. she DONT THiNK SHE BhAD She SiMPLY KNOW SHE iSZ! Genet Zerom Medhane ; isz the naame ! [ you'll learn tue love idh ) &nd yhea ihm dhe one everyones tawqihn bout ' ihm tellih ' yue ma name be ihn femalesz mouths liek hotwinqsz ! ihm not really ihnta drama ihts into me [ drama always follows meh ) ohn dhet stalkertypeofshid * personality :loud enerqetic crazy talkative bish * Mothafqka i may be liddle asz hell ; bhut niqqa i stand uhp to any biqq bxtch or hOe ! Ohn Dhet Taken Statuess ; ----> [082709♥ ) Stepihn Ouhd as an 8th Grader at Lynhurst [&nd idh suckks muchh ) On Dhet Leqacyy team * ihm allerqic to all haters, imatators, &* liars ; they make me sick ! [haaachhu ) Every Hoe to Me is Liqht Weiqht kCuz yue Aint qOnna Hit Me ihn My Mouth about iht Bxtch Ckan Tawq shid bhut nevah confront meh [i backs down frum nno othaa ) Kcuz dhey aint qone banq about idh Tue be real wid yue im prolly the REALEST; FReSHiEST GiRL ; fUNNiEST ; MOST OUTGOiNG [ I'hM DOWN FER WHADEVA ) female yue will ever meet ! &nd ihm whad dhey ckawl " unique " Enouqh saiid OutrO bby
Fuhk Yue ; Pay Meh

My Blog

When I Grow upe

When i grow up...When i grow up i wonder if people will be more afraid to cry more than are to die??Will i be abel to see a rainbow in a small  field sky?Will there be any trees alive??If not ho...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 19:25:00 GMT