Fun, fun and more fun.
I hold steadfast to my Gemini roots...I love meeting new people, going to parties, trying new things, exploring foreign lands, and laughing with friends and family.
I live in Portland, Oregon...very different from NYC where I used to live. Portland has a lot of trees and rain. Every other person drives a Subaru and almost everyone seems to be into hiking. It also has the best microbreweries in the country and possibly the world! I am adapting nicely here and have a core group of great friends.
I'm a computer programmer but not that big of a geek as I've only been into it for a few years. I also have an artistic side which can be vouched for by my film degree. I've decided to leave the film up to my talented brother and am trying to figure out a new way to express my pent-up creativity. I'm exploring digital photography and 3D imaging and plan to take a stained glass class.
I'm on here to keep in touch with old friends and to meet new ones.