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About Me

What's up MySpace? My name is Nick Brennan. I'm a 26 year old actor living in NEW YORK CITY! As Homer Simpson would say, "WOO HOO!" I love living in the city if you can't tell, haha. I moved here five years ago to go to acting school at the American Musical Dramatic Academy (AMDA to all you theater kids out there). I moved here from a small farm town in Nebraska by the name of Falls City, Nebraska. When I say small I'm talking high school graduating classes of no more than 25. No secrets in a place like this.....I mean we don't even lock our doors when we go out of town on vacation, lol. If you are from Falls City and you are reading this disregaurd that last statement. I grew up the middle son of three boys. Loved to sing and perform doing all the musicals and plays I could get my parents to let me be in. I went to college at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln....GO HUSKERS! And CHEAP BEER! God, I miss $1.50 domestic beers. I majored in education thinking I was going to teach drama to high school students. I mean, hey, love to act, by teaching I would be inspiring new talent, and kids are great right? True, but there was nothing at the drug store I could take to get rid of the 'Performing Bug'. So that's why I threw all my clothes in a knapsack and hitchhiked all the way to the Big Apple. Actually, my middle class father bought me a plane ticket. In either story I make it to New York. The first one just sounds more adventureous. Hey, I'm an actor, makeing believe is my buisness, haha. Since graduating from acting school I've been out auditioning for jobs in legit and musical theater. Broadway just looks so f'n fun! One of these days I'll get there. Untill then its warming up my voice at 5am to stand outside in the rain in front of an audition studio with the other 500 performers, haha. Sounds so bohemian doesn't it. Gotta love every second though. In the novel that is the life of Nick Brennan, you just got the Cliff's Notes. Everyday the story gets longer and more interesting. The next chapter is being written this very moment. Trust me, I'll keep you informed. Click Here For More Free Layouts

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Nice people in general. Nice people RULE! I come from a family that didn't judge anyone. My parents would invite a bum off the street to have dinner at their kitchen table. Hey, I didn't say they weren't niave, lol. I'm just looking for people with open minds. I grew up in an enviroment where individuality wasn't exactly applauded. So now that i live in a city where it is I want to meet unique people with their own point of view. My father always says to me, "Nick, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." Yes, its lame, haha, but its true. A smile goes a long way. So definately nice gay boys are on my list of people I want to meet. Hey this gay wouldn't mind a date every couple.......years. Ewww, is nice and gay an oxy moron? No, I know there are nice ones out there. I'm also looking to meet open minded people in general. So say hi if you have a couple minutes.

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