Hmm about me. I’m a happy, awesome person. I like to make people laugh with my innuendo’s. I depends on how well you know me as to whether you think I’m innocent or not xD. Honest I’m innocent :D
I have the greatest friends anyone can ask for, whether they be in Hinckley or Leicester or any where else for that matter.
I am a member of Vikings of Middle England re-enactment society Click above picture)It is awesome I get to run around and hit people with metal weapons :D.
I am addicted to D&B (dandelion and burdock if you are n00b enough not to know).
I go to Regent College and am in my first year studying; English combined, Psychology, Film Studies and Photography, and I get forced in to taking Extended Project :S.
I love my two ginger and white cats Dick and Dom, they are the cutest awesome cats ever!
I don’t like being labelled especially when its your friends labelling you.
Heres my film coursework, Something about Zombies =D
My favourite curse word/s at the moment is:
A Cunt Badger,A Badger which lives in a cunt
The Cunt Badger is rare species of badger which is not talked about often due to the huge contorversy surrounding them. Once lodged inside ones cunt, a cunt badger is notoriously hard to remove. normally by gassing or by poison.
Cunt Badgers are famed for there passionate defense of their homes weilding sharp claws and its teeth to attack anything deemed predatory to its cunt. Often men have lost their entire penis to a cunt badger while trying to commit sexual acts. Cunt badgers often retaliate violently to the use of tampons
A Cunt badger has beneficial traits not often talked about once lodged inside a cunt it will begin a gruelling cleaning operation leaving ones cunt freash and clean.
"you sir...are a cunt badger" as a insult
"Argh i've got a cunt badger" as a medical complaint
"Cunt Badgers!!!" a cry of desperation