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Avenida de los Muertos.. Teotihuacan,Mexico ; City of the gods,"the place where men become Gods" ,It's original name has been lost "the place of the precious sacrifice"."When we die,truly we become Gods,we awaken out of a dream and begin to live again,for this is our happiness". "COYOLXAUHQUI" Her name means Golden Bells.Her severed head and limbs encircle her semi-naked torso, amongst the remnants of her clothing, she wears the golden bells like tears,on her cheeks.She is the Moon Goddess of the MEXICA(AZTECA)and sister of Huitzilopochtli.She became a symbol of evil to the MEXICA,and in their Mythology She sought along with her brothers the 400 warriors of the south to kill their mother who was pregnant with a child.The mother whose name is Coatlicue(She of the serpent skirt)became pregnant while one day stuffing a tuff of feathers that fell from heaven into her bosom.Coyolxauhqui and her siblings felt dishonored and wanted redemption.They sought out their mother Coatlicue in order to slay her.Huitzilopochtli sprang forth as a full grown warrior from her womb.In this way the MEXICA(AZTECA)explained their idea of night and day.Just as Huitzilopochtli rose in combat from the womb of his mother and killed his sister and brothers,so to everyday does the Sun rise from the womb of the earth, to kill the moon and stars.............Bienvenidos a la casa de la Luna. Mi nombre es Sacramento,como la capital de California.Soy el hijo del Tercer Mundo,la tierra del Sol."SOMOS MEXICA"Soy Mestizo y parte de un Ejercito Inmortal......... La Historia nos recuerda todos los tropiezos que hamos tenido a lo largo de toda nuestra vida,sin embargo continuamos callendo los mismos errores.Seguimos siendo psicologiamente controlados dominados y para poder romper este ciclo se necesita una iniciativa individual con mucha diciplina,cada uno de nosotros tenemos que terminar con el egoismo eliminando el yo y remplasandolo con el nosotros de la misma manera que nuestros antepasados co-existian colectivamente de una manera mas espiritual nosotros somos decendientes de una raza pura, unica con mucho conocimiento!No dejemos murir nuestro pasado ay que rescatarlo de las garras del materialismo del egoismo,de la ignorancia porque todo esto en conjunto es la cuna donde nace la envidia la traicion y el racismo y todas las energias negativas que han atacado nuestra gente, por mas de 500 anos!Es tiempo de reparar los danos a la raza de los Cosmos!Los Hijos del Maiz....... "WARNING" Trespassers will be Sacrificed!

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Xipe -Totec "Our Lord the Flayed One" is the god of the shedding of skins.He was also the patron of metal workers,God of Seedtime,the Elemental force of rebirth.He is associated with rejuvenation and springtime.Xipe-Totec Flayed himself to give food to humanity,symbolic of the maize seed losing the outer layer of the seed before germination.The victims sacrificed in honor of this god were flayed (skinned alive).Semi-conscious from the drugs,bathed in incense,the victim was first scorched,presumably to seperate the skin from the bone.Cuts were made around the neck,the arms,and the legs,and down the back so the skin could be ripped away from the body.The carcass,bloody Xipe-Totec red,was thrown over a ceremonial stone and the heart was cut out by the Youallauan,the high priest who offered it to the gods.The skin,dyed yellow and called teocuitlaquemitl or "golden clothes" was there upon donned by the warrior who had originally taken the victim prisoner who then proceeded to dance feverishly crying to the heavens for new life and new strength.He wore a mask made from the victim's face.After flaying the victim,priest would wear the victims skin.This symbolized the annual spring renewal of vegetation-in other words,the renewal of the "earth's skin."

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Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:54:00 GMT