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♥The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. ~ by Hubert Humprey ~ ♥

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My Interests

momentchen, alles was überraschend ist, aber hey auch sport (nichts mit schulsport, is die absolute Hölle und ich kann einach keine Passion dazu aufbauen), oh backen natürlich; leider hab ich komischerweise beim kochen nur minderwertige fähigkeiten eines kleines asiatische arbeiter kindes die sich nur auf Zu- und Schnitterarbeiten begrenzen lassen; außerdem wie vielfach bekannnt bin ich ein anerkennender kaffee-junky, immer voll auf nem rausch und das ist auch gut so; ..ach und viel mehr blah und blubb
a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmdpcmx5dGFncy 5jb20v"

I'd like to meet:

... people with stories. Everybody has stories, funny ones, sad ones; interessting ones, rather interessting ones;or absoultly random ones, but I will listen to all of them. So which story will you tell me?Kate moss pole dancing
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I love to listen to music, but I don't care TOO much, I normally just turn the radio on. In the morning I listen to FRITZ,it's pretty awesome.**Rock rules, but I will not camplain about a little bit of Hip Hop ones in a will e.g. Sammy Deluxe, Dendeman or K.I.Z.!!**


Seriously I am a movie freak and I saw about two thousand really good ones, but the one and only excellent one is Madagascar, but immediately followed by the Mummy 1.


TV, yeah, I simply do not watch TV if I do I make fun about Talkshows or watch MTV.shows like: Next, Viva La Bam, MADE, date my mom ... , but super sweet sixteen sucks!


There were times I used to read every evening, to say it short They are gone!!still if i have time I read a lot of historical stuff


If a hero is somebody you look up too, you admire, and somebody you want to be like, or have around you. Then, my heros are probably all of the nice and kind people I got to know in the last couple months and call now friends. Did you ever have that feeling, that your world got a little brighter when you see someboy you love, that's how i feel as soon as i am with them. You guys are my heros, and you don't even have to die for me.