Painting hearts.starsAND bubbles hugs, wet kisses,the enchanted forest, Pandora's Box,touring, stripes, converse, food and water, believing in hope, paint pens markers pencils and paint.rusted stuff, cardboard, carnival folk, freaks, nerds, people who look you in the eye and listen, punk rock music, trains and trucks, my sweet bike, bandanas and bananas, camping and traveling the world. . sticking my connector in your connection. smiling, looking at art and doing it too. Friends are fun and make me feel gooood. Listening to music is funn too.
Dreaming Dreaming Dreaming
People who do what they want always.Clowns. Gypsie fortune tellers,white witches.Rockers,childish folk, goblins, hobbits, brilliant geniuses.truckers, Fuckers, homos, hookers, punkers, hippies, Moldy peaches people.Drunks, hobos, soldiers for the creative revolution, train hoppers, pill poppers, poets,schizos, fire starters. Cartoon characters. healers, smilers,huggers,KISSERS AND GOOD FRIENDS. FUNDERS! FUNDERS! EXTREMELY RICH PEOPLE who like to give us thier money.
depends on what mood and what phase Salute the GYPSIES! punkrock,blues,rocknroll,classic,classical,jazz,crust and erotic.
i stopped watching it!
they're good and i like reading them.
The Fantasy Characters inside my head. mommy and daddy