Stephanie profile picture


About Me

I'm fantasically confident and exciting person to be around just ask my current boyfriend!! lol I love maltesers and would choose a bag of them over anyone's life including my own!

My Interests

Umm shopping, shoe shopping and drinking and dancing in any order really oh and bitching about anyone basically

I'd like to meet:

An extremely rich man or very hot guy who was has a grandpa with dementia....see where im gng with this??? yeh straight to the ££££££££


I will actually listen to anythin but Kaiser chiefs and Jack Johnson im lovin at the moment and cant beat a bit of queen.


Gone with the Wind is my all time favourite film, but thats cause i love the sexual tension between Scarlett and Rhett and my fav line .... 'quite frankly my dear i dont give a damn!!' classic.


Pride and Prejudice - Colin firth in those wet clothes whats not to love??


Im a primary teacher so my favs books are obviously anything by Roald Dahl and Chrisotpher Paoloni Everyone should read his books they may be for kids but they got me hooked! Oh and Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice (and not cause of Colin Firth)


Richard is my hero cos he restored my faith in the opposite sex. Also Corra and Alison two of the BESTEST friends int he world, wouldnt have made it throuh life without u guys!!! (so melodramtic aint i? hehe)