First: if you wanna be my friend, send me a message and tell me what's up. I'll probably not accept you if you don't.I'm here to expand my circles. I'd like to meet some good people that share in some of my interests. I can never have too many friends.I'm also here to network with other musicians and artists. It's much easier to make things happen when we work together. Trading shows, recording, studio work (as a player and as an engineer) and general criticism are all welcome.I'll be honest; I'm not opposed to meeting someone to date through the internet. After all, we go to sites on the net that interest us. That's exactly the same thing that we do in the real world.About that someone: She MUST have her life together. I'm not really ready for a family so I'd prefer it if she didn't have and kids yet. I love kids but I would like to have a few adventures with my someone before we have to work that into the picture. That being said, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say no to you just because you have a lil one. Someone creative would be nice... I really don't care in what way but I feel that they could better understand me if we had that in common. It would be awesome if they at least knew some of the music that I enjoy (and didn't hate it). I would like them to be in decent shape (that makes adventures more fun). Partying can't be their focus in life. I don't drink every night and I would hope that my someone didn't either. Heck, I don't drink every month. Please have a job, be taking care of yourself and be finished with high school drama.