Golf! California girls! Since I have several people reminding me daily that I am uncapable of accomplishing anything unrelated to music, I guess thats all I really do...I quite enjoy a good dance party, and have at times, walked away with some prizes from dance contests (one unopened glow in the dark frisbee, one loreal kids shirt and shampoo kit, several packs of balloons, etc) I am very interested in things that will make me happy, like trips to mexico or nice words from people on the bus...Whenever people annoy me I remind myself that I have some cards up my sleeve, like stowing away on a steamship to India, there I will live in the mountains, breed exotic strains of tea, train monkeys to drink the tea with me, and grow a formidable sam beam'ish beard, I will play scrabble to keep myself interested in words and things, and perhaps bring a mini tape recorder to report sightings of spaceships and comets...I hope one day to see the moon landing live...And perhaps drink a toast to anyone who doesn't get what they want but roll their eyes knowingly and carry on regardless...
California girls!!!! Billy corgan, The Frogs, Bambi, the grinch...Molto Mario
THE BUTTER CHURNERS. Some favourite bands: Sunny Day Real Estate, Our Lady Peace,The Matthew Good Band, Weezer, The Smashing Pumpkins, Brand New, Built to Spill, Hole, Death Cab For Cutie, The Strokes, Deftones, Radiohead, Ben Kweller, Blink 182, Catherine Wheel, These Arms are Snakes, Grandaddy, The Mountain Goats, The Postal Service, The Shins, Figurine, Elliott Smith, REM, Mates of State, Everclear, Wilco, Modest Mouse, Nirvana, Rilo Kiley, Swervedriver, Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine, Mojave 3, Placebo, Colourbook...etc, well that should do it for now. And of course...Blish, Mothra,The Shiny Diamonds...
American Beauty, Donnie Darko, The Dangerous lives of alter boys, Viephoria!!!!! Saved, Fight Club, anything with Audrey Hepburn in it, Its a Wonderful Life, Punch Drunk Love, Life As a House, United States of Leland, Mulholland Dr. (craziest movie ever) Magnolia (started watching it at night, ended when the sun came up) Good Will Hunting, Big Fish, Lost in Translation, The Life Aquatic, Blue Hawaii (love the Elvis movies...) anything the muppets are in, Zoolander, etc...
Arrested Development, Home Movies, Family Guy, Mr Show
Catcher in the Rye, The Wayward Bus and anything else by Steinbeck, Agatha Christie, Jeeves and Wooster (you are a fool if you don't like them, and don't yearn for the lifestyle) The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Snow, Stranger in a Strange Land, About a Boy, High Fidelity, All the Adrian Moles, All the Swallows and Amazons, I read a lot of books even if they aren't good, so I cant really remember everything...Oh, also any book written by someone who cant read...
Prince William, Freddie Prinze Jr. The Artist Formerly known as Prince.