Real Estate, Stock Market, Forex market
Rap, R&B, I am starting to try and feel Jazz
Breaking all the Rules, Catch Me if You Can, Belly
The Wire, Prison Break, Nip Tuck,
Rich Dad Poor Dad, A Poor Man Guide to Investing, BMORE Carefull, The Isis Papers, The Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing, Bill Gates Road to Riches,Real estate investment books by John T. Reed, Real estate investment books by John T. Reed,Secrets of Selling Property: Cutting Edge Techniques for Making Top Dollar Deals By Donald Trump, High Powered Strategies for Real Estate Success:How to Create a Master Plan for Your Success by Donald Trump, Catching the Wave:How Timing Can Make You a Fortune in Real Estate Today By Donald J. Trump, Book Smarts vs. Street Smarts - Being Mentored By Donald J. Trump, Making And Learning From Your Mistakes By Donald J. Trump, Fortune Without Fear: How to Neutralize Risk and Build Your Fortune in Today's Hazardous Real Estate Market By Donald J. Trump
God, My Mom, & My Brother