The Tiny Moths frequent the wavelength where pop songs devolve into 60-cycle hum. Sometimes this means that they build their music out of looped feedback and reverb-soaked delays; other times it means breaking out the spidery jazz chords and utilizing the bass to carry the melody. Their songs are almost always about space travel and broken relationships (often at the same time). Saul Bass and Seijun Suzuki recur often in their sensibilities, as do Populuxe architecture and Eames furniture. Music and sound is pretty important, but so is a nice desk and a comfortable chair; and really, good construction is good construction, whether you’re talking about the Kinks or houses.
Dan plays bass and sings, Gene plays guitar, sings, and puts the loops together, Bob plays drums, organ, and vibraphone. The Tiny Moths are based out of los angeles, but only because they live there.