thomas profile picture


Does your brain hear what your mouth is saying?

About Me

Currently I work for my step dad on a drill rig in the vegas area, and I hate it here. Im from a little town north of vegas called Tonopah, but Ive been living in Reno for the last year. I like to party, hang out with friends and just relax alittle. Just a pretty simple guy.

My Interests

Anything outdoors Im more of a hands on kinda guy. I dont like to watch from the side lines I have to play.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet a girl who wants to be with me for the right reasons. Someone who's not just with me so that I can pay for her shit. Someone who can keep their fucking legs closed and not cheat on me every time I turn my back. Someone that is not going to make me disregard my family and friends for them, and someone who can talk to me without every other word being a lie. I just want to meet an honest girl, I tired of getting fucked over by the same person, and I hate putting up with bullshit drama.


I like just about every kind of music. Except classical and things of that nature. I guess I just like anything good.


Comedy, horror, chic flix, you name it I probably like it, or Ill at least give it a try.


Favorite programs: Rescue me, smallville, onetree hill, desperate housewives.


Anything by John Grisham but Im not much for reading