Andrea profile picture


About Me

Sex "F" Birthdate "o8-05-1983" Exam Date "06-28-2005" Height "05-07" Wieght "136" CSC "3.100" Fee "9.00" Restrictions "B" Class "C" Endorsements "____" Type "REG" ORGAN DONOR

My Interests

Relics, Theroy, Naps, Vacation, Flossing Like Structures, Vegetarian Chicken, Kenyan- Hong Kong- and Georgian Contemporary Art. Vaporetto Hold-Ups, succeeding in my life long goal of becoming the first female Pope.

I'd like to meet:

The painless flossing experiance.


Airconditioners, The Beards, Crinkles, Boat Engines, Pieces of Art, White Noise, Drones, Walls of Sound


industry specialized magazines