Grace and Peace Visitors, Friends and home viewers lol. Thanx for visiting the Page of Andre.. J. Washington. Andre J. Washington who was reared in brooklyn New York City Since September 27th, 1984. Since a child His mother knew something special about him. Andre.. J. Washington loves music and loves to learn more about God. Starting from the age of 15 he has toured In North and South Carolina, Virginia, Washington and many other states within America. During the tours he has accepted Salvation at age 16 and accepted he calling of God. He has also traveled across the seas singing, acting and ministering to many people In Germany, Czech Republic, Luxemburg, France, Switzerland and Japan. This is through Phylliss McKoy Joubert. Andre.. J. Washington is grateful for this awesome opportunity to spread the Gospel through many ways and meet many people in Europe. AJ also sings with two of the anointed/and ordained groups Marc Reddick and Universal Praise and also TJ Reddick and Chosen Generation! Big ups to my best friend Teej!!!Anointed man of God. Currently, he is under the leadership of Pastors Johnathan and Sabrina Shaw at Crown Ministries International(An easy church to find but a hard church to leave). Being apart of this ministry has caused him to grow spiritually and know who is he in God for sure. He serves on the ecclesiastical team,praise team and on the levitical preisthood. There is where he will continue to stay and grow in God. He is a strong believer of what God spoke in his word in Isiah 61 and will continue to do the word of God because it is Gods will and not AJJW's. He is walking in Destiny!
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