Danny Jones.™ profile picture

Danny Jones.™


About Me



Born on the twenty fifth of the second month of the year, Jordin Elle Trosvick was a wonderous little girl with a not so wonderous past.
It had rained more that day than it had in years on that Tuesday afternoon. The loud cries of a new born baby girl could be heard by all along the corridors of the maternity ward in St. Mungo's, but the soft cries of her father, Jasper, were barely audible as he clasped his wife's, Lyse's, now cold hand in his own. The healers had warned Lyse that her body was unfit to hold a child, that the life of not only one unspeakable parent, but two was too muh for any child to bear. But the couple hadn't listened, they got pregnant, they kept working, she'd gone into early labour, and died in childbirth. Jasper never forgave little Jordin Elle for that, although there was nthing she could have done.
under construction.


→ I am not the person in my pictures.
→ I don't claim to be them either. I have no affiliation with them.
→ Please do not steal my pictures; find your own god damn pics.
→ I do prefer para but will do other types every once in a while. I understand that everyone has their days with writer's block. Just do your best.
→ Use your imagination when creating a storyline. Bumping into people is not the creative. Plus, I've heard it ten thousand times before. Not that I haven't used it.
→ I prefer comments other than messages. But either are fine with me.
→ If you comment my picture I'll comment yours back.
→ Don't get mad if I don't reply right away. I do have and ooc life you know.
→ I only add RPers.
→That's all for now. Maybe more to come.


para please.



My Interests


| common room | mates | private owl | diary |


Status: Single.
Whom: ----
Since: ----
Comments: No time. There's so much to do. And I'm not really the dating type, am I?


Song: Everything We Had
Artist: The Academy Is...
Why: Such a beautiful song. And so sad. Seriously. I love it.

I'd like to meet: