I love the outdoors. Hiking, traveling, swimming, Sea-Dooing, boating, walking, any other outdoor activity. I love traveling, hanging out with friends, partying, shopping, and learning new stuff. I'm also an actor and singer (mostly choral music). Get FREE RAD Cursors and Surveys at BAMFStuff.com
Only cool people please! I'm looking to meet fun people to either talk to online or if you live in the Chicagoland area that would be even better!
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Which RENT Character Am I?
I am Joanne. Logical, practical, analytical, I do what I think is right, and to hell with everyone else. I am passionate and understanding, but can get jealous easily. I have a hot temper (I'm also a Taurus, so I'm stubborn about it), but I mean well in everything I do.
Crash was an amazing movie. I really thought the love story was very touching and emotional in Brokeback, but after seeing Crash, I totally understand why it kicked Brokeback's booty at the Oscars!
I love West Wing and always will. I also love Friends, ER, American Idol, and of course.....The Weather Channel, if you know me at all :-P
I'm not much of a reader, but I've been reading John Saul books lately...I'm on the third one right now. I love suspense, horror, and mystery stuff...so it's scary stuff!
My dad :'-)