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integra-s ver2.0, sili ld by rphaku-made for Sann Pham

+ a little about me...
I was a kid that spent most of his time just playing video games. I was also a part of a tennis team before I graduated, but I'll be going back to help out the coach train the next group of players. I later spent a lot of time working on top of doing everything I was doing before. Then picked up going to a lot raves, all thanks to one of my brothers-from-another-mother =P. People always thought I had a chill life, which I did, but I worked hard to get where I am. I also til this day continue to work hard. Joining the Army to benefit my future, to make people proud, to find true discipline, and to find the limit to my unlimited energy.
    Yeah, if you don't know me then you'll find that my energy isn't normal.

+ my interests...
Right now there's nothing better than improving my body's capabilities. I'm in the Army and proud of what I have chosen to do. Here, it might be hell, but there is so many people that appreciate and respect everything I do for others.
    [Currently: In the Army]
    [Cell Number: 505-227-6305]

layout by ... + the most amazing...
Watashi no koto suki desu ka?
Truly I believe never to trust my heart to another person ever again. However when she came along the more I try to forget about her the more I fell in love with her. Most people wont understand how I feel, she is the few that will sit there for me and understand me as the same I will for her. I hope you see my gift from me to you. I love you Delena.

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