Guitar, Bass, Drums, Computers, Engineering, Programming, Drawing, Army, Air Force, Guns, AR-15s, Movies, Music, Outdoors, Camping, Sports, Football, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis, Lacrosse, Airsoft, Board Games, Video Games
EVERYTHING, Metallica, Garth Brooks, Split Habit, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Hendrix, Toby Keith, Hank Williams Jr., Buddy Guy, Joe Satriani, Porkchop, Jimmy Thackery, Nickelback, John Mayer, The Game, D12, the list goes on forever...
Just about all kinds. Not a fan of cheesy horror, but I liked 'The Ring' and 'Dawn of the Dead.' Some favorites are House of Sand and Fog, Band of Brothers, Master and Commander, Shawshank Redemption, Whipped, Tomcats, and Spanglish.
LOST, That 70's Show, Anything on discovery, history or the learning channels
The Davinci Code and the Ender's Game Series or anything Orson Scott Card really, Unknown Quantity: The History of Algebra, Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula, The Eye of the World
Paul Erdos, Bryant Julstrom, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Leonard Euler, every single one of my fellow service members, and of course, my wonderful girlfriend Latisha.
And of course our little guy Landon!!