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CoachElla Fayg

About Me

My name is Danielarae and I've lived in Tucson all my life. Im 20 years old and can't wait to start college. It's been awhile, but I'm finally gonna start. I have a boyfriend, whom I've been with for 5 years. And I love him very much. I love to laugh and can't wait to move away. Monchi's gay and you all suck balls! muhahahahaha!!!
The MySpace About Me Survey
-= Tell Us About Yourself =-
Name: Danielarae
Birthday: December 20
How old do you act: Shit, um... 16?
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Current location: Tucson, AZ
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color and Length: Brown and long
Height: 5'6
Your Heritage: Italian/Mexican
What’s Your Middle Name: Simona
Shoes You Wore Today: Candies
Your Weakness: Chocolate
Your Fear: Hehe, Mariusz
Have You Ever Ridden A Mechanical Bull: Nope
Do You Want To: Sure
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get my boyfriend his present
First Thought When You Wake Up: I don't wanna go to work!!!
Best Physical Feature: You tell me
Best Character Feature: Dunno
Who Is Your Bestest Friend: Jessica
When Is Your Bedtime: Around 11
Your Most Cherished Memory: Those with my grandma
Pepsi or Coke: Neither
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or Group Dates: Single
What Is The Last Song You Sang: Don't sing
Does Playing A Guitar Make A Girl/Guy More Attractive: It can help
What Is Your Biggest Pet Peeves: I hate liars
Do You Drink: Sometimes
Ever Been Drunk: Of course
Do You Smoke: Nope
Do You “Smoke”: Haha, dunno
Do You Sing: Nah
What Color Underwear Do You Have On: Red
Do You Want To Go To College: Yes!
Have You Ever Been In Love: Am right now
Do You Want To Get Married: Someday
Do You Believe In Yourself: Sometimes
Do You Believe In Others: Depends on who they are
Do You Like Thunderstorms: Love em'
Do You Play an Instrument: Nope
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: Unfortunately I am grown
What Country Would You Like To Visit: Italy
How Many CD’s Do you Own: Quite a few
How Many DvD’s Do You Own: Not many
How Many Tattoo’s Do You Have: None yet
How Many Piercings Do You Have: 2
How Many Things In You Past Do You Regret: None
-= Favorites =-
Favorite Shoes: My Calvin Klein heels
Favorite Radio Station: 98.3
Favorite Drink Dr. Pepper
Favorite Car: Bentley Continental GT
Favorite Place: Maruisz's bed
Favorite Song: Don't really have a favorite
Favorite Movie: How High was funny
Favorite Moment: Dunno
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Meal: Ummm...spaghetti
-= In a Guy/Girl or Man/Woman I Like… =-
Favorite Eye Color: Blue/Green
Favorite Hair Color: Anything but red (damn gingers)
Short Hair or Long Hair: Short
Height: 6 sumthin
Body Type: Sexy
Does Ethnicity Matter: Nope
Piercings: Don't matter
Tattoos: Tattoos are hot
-= “Bed Side Manor” =-
Do You Think You Are Attractive: Yea
Are You Attracted To Someone Who Does Not Know It: No
Would You Like To Be Someone’s Fantasy: Why not?
Hunter or Hunted: Hunted
Do You Kiss With Your Eyes Open or Closed: Closed
Ever Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex: Don't remember
A Little or A Lot Of Tongue: A little
Older or Younger: Older
Top or Bottom: Both
Lights On, Lights Off or Candle Light: Candle light sounds nice
Do You Like To Cuddle After: Sometimes
Do you Like To Cuddle In General: Yeah
Trimmed, Shaved or Let IT Go Wild: Trimmed and shaved
Him / Her First or Second: What?
Have You Ever Had Bad Sex: Yea
Have You Ever Had Sex With Someone And Regretted It: YES
Ever Have A 3Some, 4Some or More-Some: Nope
Does Sex = Love To You: Not at all
-= Right Now =-
Right Now, What Is Todays Date: May 20, 2006
Right Now, What Time Is It: 9:55 pm
Right Now, Who Are You Thinking Of: Mariusz
Right Now, What Are You Listening To: My cats... meow
Right Now, Do You Love Some One: Yes'em
Right Now, Does Someone Love You: Yea
Right Now, Do You Know Where Your Mechanical Bull Is: Haha, sure
Right Now, Is It Raining: Nope
Right Now, How Many MySpace Friends Do You Have: 90
Right Now, Are You Happy Yes
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE!

My Interests

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

I'd like to meet:

People, People, People

Try the BEST MySpace Editor at MySpace Toolbox !
Your Birthdate: December 20
You are a virtual roller coaster of emotions, and most people enjoy the ride.
Your mood tends to set the tone of the room, and when you're happy, this is a good thing.
When you get in a dark mood, watch out - it's very hard to get you out of it.
It's sometimes hard for you to cheer up, and your gloom can be contagious.

Your strength: Your warm heart

Your weakness: Trouble controlling your emotions

Your power color: Black

Your power symbol: Musical note

Your power month: February What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


Too Short
Lil Jon & the East Side Boys
50 Cent
The Game
The Eagles
Red Hot Chili Peppers


How High


The Simpsons
Family Guy

Which Simpson are you? Find out @ star-girl.org!



The Da Vinci Code, The Simpsons and Philosophy, Creating Minds, The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness, Touched with Fire: Manic Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament, The Moral Animal Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology


I LOVE THESE PEOPLE!!Anna Nicole Smith, because that fat B*@..$ got skinny. J.Lo, because every time I see her that A** keeps getting bigger. Of course.........Claudio Sanchez (because without him my brother wouldn't have a friend).
I am 72% Promiscuous.

.. I like sex and have a healthy sex life. I get just enough and know how to use my sexuality. Some people might have a problem, but that is their problem not mine. They just need to get more. Take the
Promiscuous Test
@ FualiDotCom
adopt your own virtual pet!


adopt your own virtual pet!


.: About you :.
Name : Danielarae
Nickname : Ella
Eye color : Brown
Hair color : Brown
Fav color : Blue
Fav music : Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Rock, Classical
Fav band : Dunno
Fav movie : How High!
Fav show : The Simpsons
Birthday : December 20
Birth Town : Tucson, AZ
Present Town : Same
School : None yet
Grade : N/A
Style : Don't have any!
Screenname : Ella
.: Random : Do you :.
Own ur house : Nope
Have any pets : 3 cats, and I hate cats
Have any siblings : 2 brothers
Have a Boyfriend : Yes
-- Who : Mariusz
Have a crush : Yea, him
Have a Best Friend : Yes
Own a ATV : Nope
Have Boobs : um, yeah
Sleep naked : Sometimes
Sleep walk/talk : Neither
.: Have you ever :.
Sat in gum : haha, noo
Been kissed in the rain : Nope
Danced in public : Yes
Smiled for no reason : All the time
Laughed so hard you cried : My brother is Monchi!
Pee'd your pants : Nope
Written a song : Nah
Sang in the shower : I guess
Performed on stage : Yea
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs : Yup, when I was like 16
Gone out of your way to make a new friend : No, I don't care that much
Made out in a Theatre : haha, done more than that
Gone rollerskating since 8th grade : No
Been in love : Am right now
Looked in the mirror everytime you passed it : Yes
Kissed your mom in public : um, sure
Held your dad's hand when you were scared : Yes
Tripped someone right after you helped them off of the floor : haha, yea
.: Who was the last person who :.
Said hi to you : um...Kayla
Kissed you : Mariusz
Hugged you : Don't member
Told you they loved you : Mariusz
Said Fuck You, Bitch : Monchi
Wrote you a note : That was soooo long ago! I can't remember
Took your picture : Jessica
You called : Cindy
Called you : Mariusz
Went to the movies wit you : Mariusz
Sang to you : People never sing to me
Msg'd you : Dunno
You wrote a poem to : Myself
.: Whats the last... :.
Time you cried : I dunno, probably last week. Thanx asshole!
Time you laughed : Today
# you dialed : haha, nice one! Almost fell for it
Book you read : The Moral Animal Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology
Food you ate : La Parilla Suiza
Flavor of gum you chewed : Wintermint
Shoes your wore : Candies
Store you went in : Shit, umm...foot locker?
Thing you said : Shit, umm...foot locker?
Time you looked at the time : Right now thanks to you
Movie you watched : The Da Vinci Code
Joke you told : I can't tell jokes
Song you sang : I can't sing
.: Can you :.
Write with both hands : Sure
Whistle : Yea, but I suck at it
Blow a bubble : Of course
Cross your eyes : Yes
Touch your tongue to your nose: No
Dance : Yea
Gleek : What?
Stay up all night w/o any sleep : Yea, I use to have insomnia
Speak a different language : Nope
Impersonate someone : Not well
Prank call ppl : Of course I can
Make a card house : Yea
Cook : Nope
Sing : Nope
Love : Yes, very well
Say your ABC's backwords : Yup
Hop on one foot & keep your balance : Yes
.: Finish the line :.
If i were a : midget
-- I'd : be small
My Best Friend is : Jessica
So many ppl dont kno that : about me
My Boyfriend is : Sexy
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE!
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 80%
Envy: 60%
Greed: 60%
Pride: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Gluttony: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 34%
You'll die while in the throws of passion - the best way to go. How Sinful Are You?

My Blog

6 weird things/habits about myself

So the rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "6 weird things/habits about yourself". In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't fo...
Posted by Ella on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 06:14:00 PST

The Drunk

A man and his wife are awakened, at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for ...
Posted by Ella on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 01:08:00 PST