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Alex Jones Tribute

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As featured in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Dallas Morning News, The Los Angeles Times, The Austin-American Statesman, and The Austin Chronicle, Alex Jones has created a powerful platform in an attempt to re-create a Bill of Rights, freedom-orientated culture in the face of an ever more federalized and security-obsessed America.Alex Jones broadcasts nationwide on the Genesis Communications Radio Network. More information on the broadcast can be found here .In the Summer of 2000, Alex successfully infiltrated Bohemian Grove, meeeting place for the global elite in an ancient redwood forest of northern California. This was documented by World of Wonder in their 'Secret Rulers of the World' series, shown in the UK on Channel 4 and aired nationwide in the US multiple times on the Trio Network.Alex's documentary, Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove , features the infiltration plus the history of the Grove.Alex is known for not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. He combines his media presence with actual physical activism, a practice that once led to him being arrested on the personal order of George W. Bush!Alex Jones has gained international attention for standing up for what he believes in. From the Italy's La Prensa to the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, Jones has brought the information war to the mainstream print media worldwide, speaking out against tyranny in defense of the Constitution.Jones has produced eleven documentary films to date exposing the police state, the New World Order and government sponsored terrorism.His most recent is Martial Law , a three hour blockbuster which exposes the brutal treatment of protesters at the 2004 RNC conference, the real story behind 9/11, the occult connections ofsecret societies, the push to make Arnold Schwarzenegger the first foreign born president and much more. Selected Works & Appearances: This 12 minute video collects clips from many of Alex's films including Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State & Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove. It also features appearances Alex has made on CMT's Most Shocking, Conspiracy Zone, and Richard Linklater's Waking Life. Alex Jones had a prominent role in Richard Linklater's Waking Life , a part that received a standing ovation at the Sundance Film Festival.Jones is set to feature in an upcoming major production and has done consultancy work on other projects.Read Roger Ebert's Gushing Review of Waking Life -- Mentions Alex's Role Featured on "Good Morning America," "20/20 Downtown," "60 Minutes," The Discovery Channel, A&E and more, Jones appears on multiple stations across the country, and has been called, "an absolutely riveting television presence," by Patrick Beech of the Austin-American Statesman. Mike Kelley, also of the Austin-American Statesman, said of Mr. Jones, "On television, he exudes so much energy that a viewer might almost expect bits of flesh to start flying from the screen."Alex Jones was recognized as "Best Radio Host" in the 1999 Austin Chronicle Reader's Poll, "Best TV Host" in the 2001 Austin Chronicle Reader's Poll, "Best Mover and Shaker" in the 2002 Austin Chronicle Reader's Poll. His website, was voted "Best Webzine" in that same poll.Jones' recent media and television appearances include Vanity Fair, Sky One (UK), Channel 4 (UK), Country Music Television and America's Most Widely Listned-to late night radio show: Coast to Coast AM. Alex Jones is considered by many to be the grandfather of what has come to be known as the 9/11 Truth Movement.Jones predicted the 9/11 attack in a July 2001 television taping when he warned that the Globalists were going to attack New York and blame it on their asset Osama bin Laden. View the clip here .Since 9/11 Jones has broken many of the stories which later became the foundation of the evidence that the government was involved.After helping BBC journalist Greg Palast break major stories Palast publicly thanked Alex for being the only radio host to pay attention to W199I, a leaked document concerning FBI protection of groups linked to Al-Qaeda.BBC Reporter Greg Palast: " this guy is a national treasure, a light breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall of the US media establishment." Articles Featuring Alex Jones Austin Hears the Music And Another New Reality (Washington Post) Fear and Loathing in Kingsville, Texas (WorldNetDaily) Volunteers Rebuilding Branch Davidian Church (USA Today) Nation Changes Views on Seige (San-Antonio Express News) Volunteers Building Veteran a Home (Austin-American Statesman) Volunteers Put Man in New Home (Austin-American Statesman) Dark Star: Alex Jones (Austin Chronicle) In early 2002 Jones also spearheaded the campaign to repeal the Patriot Act with his Save The Bill of Rights Campign . Now hundreds of towns, cities and states have thrown out this unconstitutional law.Whether it be Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, Jones pulls no punches in bringing to light corruption on both sides of the political equation. He also points out that the left/right paradigm is a controlling mechanism to get people squabbling about issues of little or no significance. This is why he is respected by liberals and conservatives alike.Alex Jones continues to expose those that seek to take away what made America great, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and each freedom our founders fought and died for.
Martial Law 2 Martial Law 3

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'Israel Tried To Kill Bin Laden In '96' - MI6, CIA Protected Him

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Posted by on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:24:00 GMT

Officer "docked pay" for torturing Iraqi to death

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The Re-Infiltration of Bohemian Grove

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Posted by on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 17:29:00 GMT

The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For Humanity

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