$J-Heezy$( Can't Fuk Wit Em.) profile picture

$J-Heezy$( Can't Fuk Wit Em.)

I am here for Friends

About Me

Create your own Friend Quiz hereR.I.P. AARON RO$$What wit ya I am Jody. A Senior at MCHS. 08 Bitches. Anyways, I am a pretty laid back guy I like to have fun, party, and hang with my friends. Sum of my homies are Cody, Brian, Josh, Vinnie, Drew, Austin, Pokey, Kimple, Justin, Cody J, Casey R., Matt, Kristin, Trisha, Samantha, and a bunch more but thats jus a few. I drive a blue Camaro and a red Blazer. But anyways if you wanna know some more jus msg me add me somethin you already know.Gettin sum brain in tha front seat of tha humma, now if you make it rain the Jody Henson can make it thunda, I aint messin wit these lames but I seem to make em wonda, how I came into tha game for tha past seven summa's, straight from churches, ya boyfriend is worthless, cuz Jody goess deeep, while he barely scratch tha surface. If ya wanna meet momma thats one thing I wont doo you say muthafuck me nah mutha fuck youuu....found this cars layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

Chillin wit dem boyz and gettin fucked upcenter You are 1000% kinky

You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex?

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com2coolphoto / Layouts , Frazy.com

I'd like to meet:

Just friends to hang with I guess.


Rap mainly a little rock.


Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
Which guitar are you

B.C. Rich Warlock
You are a BC Rich Warlock. Its Gothic Shape and death metal sound have gotten it a good reputation with modern distortion enthusaists.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Shit loads


I don't really watch TV


I can't read? If you know me you know that hahahaha


Myself, because I am fucking me I wanna be me not you or anyone else. I am who I will be. I put up with shit every day but not to look up to someone else fuck that.
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey..type='hidden' name='question1' value='TELL+ME+ABOUT+YOURSELF+-+The+Survey'..type='hidden' name='type1' value='2'
Name: Jody Henson..type='hidden' name='question2' value='Name%3A'..type='hidden' name='type2' value='1'
Birthday: 2/3/90..type='hidden' name='question3' value='Birthday%3A'..type='hidden' name='type3' value='1'
Birthplace: Columbia..type='hidden' name='question4' value='Birthplace%3A'..type='hidden' name='type4' value='1'
Current Location: Lewisburg..type='hidden' name='question5' value='Current+Location%3A'..type='hidden' name='type5' value='1'
Eye Color: Brown..type='hidden' name='question6' value='Eye+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type6' value='1'
Hair Color: Dark Brown..type='hidden' name='question7' value='Hair+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type7' value='1'
Height: 6'0"..type='hidden' name='question8' value='Height%3A'..type='hidden' name='type8' value='1'
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right..type='hidden' name='question9' value='Right+Handed+or+Left+Handed%3A'..type='hidden' name='type9' value='1'
Your Heritage: Ummm...American..type='hidden' name='question10' value='Your+Heritage%3A'..type='hidden' name='type10' value='1'
The Shoes You Wore Today: Reebok..type='hidden' name='question11' value='The+Shoes+You+Wore+Today%3A'..type='hidden' name='type11' value='1'
Your Weakness: I dunno..type='hidden' name='question12' value='Your+Weakness%3A'..type='hidden' name='type12' value='1'
Your Fears: Right now it's getting sent off..type='hidden' name='question13' value='Your+Fears%3A'..type='hidden' name='type13' value='1'
Your Perfect Pizza: I dunno..type='hidden' name='question14' value='Your+Perfect+Pizza%3A'..type='hidden' name='type14' value='1'
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Something..type='hidden' name='question15' value='Goal+You+Would+Like+To+Achieve+This+Year%3A'..type='h idden' name='type15' value='1'
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol..type='hidden' name='question16' value='Your+Most+Overused+Phrase+On+an+instant+messenger%3A' ..type='hidden' name='type16' value='1'
Thoughts First Waking Up: I'm going back to sleep..type='hidden' name='question17' value='Thoughts+First+Waking+Up%3A'..type='hidden' name='type17' value='1'
Your Best Physical Feature: You tell me..type='hidden' name='question18' value='Your+Best+Physical+Feature%3A'..type='hidden' name='type18' value='1'
Your Bedtime: Don't got one..type='hidden' name='question19' value='Your+Bedtime%3A'..type='hidden' name='type19' value='1'
Your Most Missed Memory: I dunno..type='hidden' name='question20' value='Your+Most+Missed+Memory%3A'..type='hidden' name='type20' value='1'
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi..type='hidden' name='question21' value='Pepsi+or+Coke%3A'..type='hidden' name='type21' value='1'
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither?..type='hidden' name='question22' value='MacDonalds+or+Burger+King%3A'..type='hidden' name='type22' value='1'
Single or Group Dates: either doesnt matter..type='hidden' name='question23' value='Single+or+Group+Dates%3A'..type='hidden' name='type23' value='1'
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Dont matter..type='hidden' name='question24' value='Lipton+Ice+Tea+or+Nestea%3A'..type='hidden' name='type24' value='1'
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate..type='hidden' name='question25' value='Chocolate+or+Vanilla%3A'..type='hidden' name='type25' value='1'
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino..type='hidden' name='question26' value='Cappuccino+or+Coffee%3A'..type='hidden' name='type26' value='1'
Do you Smoke: Yes..type='hidden' name='question27' value='Do+you+Smoke%3A'..type='hidden' name='type27' value='1'
Do you Swear: Yes..type='hidden' name='question28' value='Do+you+Swear%3A'..type='hidden' name='type28' value='1'
Do you Sing: Hahaha No..type='hidden' name='question29' value='Do+you+Sing%3A'..type='hidden' name='type29' value='1'
Do you Shower Daily: Yes..type='hidden' name='question30' value='Do+you+Shower+Daily%3A'..type='hidden' name='type30' value='1'
Have you Been in Love: I dont know..type='hidden' name='question31' value='Have+you+Been+in+Love%3A'..type='hidden' name='type31' value='1'
Do you want to go to College: Dunno..type='hidden' name='question32' value='Do+you+want+to+go+to+College%3A'..type='hidden' name='type32' value='1'
Do you want to get Married: Someday..type='hidden' name='question33' value='Do+you+want+to+get+Married%3A'..type='hidden' name='type33' value='1'
Do you belive in yourself: I guess..type='hidden' name='question34' value='Do+you+belive+in+yourself%3A'..type='hidden' name='type34' value='1'
Do you get Motion Sickness: No..type='hidden' name='question35' value='Do+you+get+Motion+Sickness%3A'..type='hidden' name='type35' value='1'
Do you think you are Attractive: You tell me..type='hidden' name='question36' value='Do+you+think+you+are+Attractive%3A'..type='hidden' name='type36' value='1'
Are you a Health Freak: No..type='hidden' name='question37' value='Are+you+a+Health+Freak%3A'..type='hidden' name='type37' value='1'
Do you get along with your Parents: No..type='hidden' name='question38' value='Do+you+get+along+with+your+Parents%3A'..type='hidden' name='type38' value='1'
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes..type='hidden' name='question39' value='Do+you+like+Thunderstorms%3A'..type='hidden' name='type39' value='1'
Do you play an Instrument: Guitar..type='hidden' name='question40' value='Do+you+play+an+Instrument%3A'..type='hidden' name='type40' value='1'
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes..type='hidden' name='question41' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+Drank+Alcohol%3A'..type='h idden' name='type41' value='1'
In the past month have you Smoked: Yes..type='hidden' name='question42' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+Smoked%3A'..type='hidden' name='type42' value='1'
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No..type='hidden' name='question43' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+been+on+Drugs%3A'..type='h idden' name='type43' value='1'
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Hahahaha......type='hidden' name='question44' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+gone+on+a+Date%3A'..type=' hidden' name='type44' value='1'
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Hmmm no..type='hidden' name='question45' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+gone+to+a+Mall%3A'..type=' hidden' name='type45' value='1'
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No..type='hidden' name='question46' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+eaten+a+box+of+Oreos%3A'.. type='hidden' name='type46' value='1'
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No..type='hidden' name='question47' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+eaten+Sushi%3A'..type='hid den' name='type47' value='1'
In the past month have you been on Stage: No..type='hidden' name='question48' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+been+on+Stage%3A'..type='h idden' name='type48' value='1'
In the past month have you been Dumped: No..type='hidden' name='question49' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+been+Dumped%3A'..type='hid den' name='type49' value='1'
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No..type='hidden' name='question50' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+gone+Skinny+Dipping%3A'..t ype='hidden' name='type50' value='1'
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No..type='hidden' name='question51' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+Stolen+Anything%3A'..type= 'hidden' name='type51' value='1'
Ever been Drunk: Yes..type='hidden' name='question52' value='Ever+been+Drunk%3A'..type='hidden' name='type52' value='1'
Ever been called a Tease: No..type='hidden' name='question53' value='Ever+been+called+a+Tease%3A'..type='hidden' name='type53' value='1'
Ever been Beaten up: hahaha Yes Bo Green...not fun..type='hidden' name='question54' value='Ever+been+Beaten+up%3A'..type='hidden' name='type54' value='1'
Ever Shoplifted: Hmmm I dont remember..type='hidden' name='question55' value='Ever+Shoplifted%3A'..type='hidden' name='type55' value='1'
How do you want to Die: Dont matter..type='hidden' name='question56' value='How+do+you+want+to+Die%3A'..type='hidden' name='type56' value='1'
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: ?alive?..type='hidden' name='question57' value='What+do+you+want+to+be+when+you+Grow+Up%3A'..type='hi dden' name='type57' value='1'
What country would you most like to Visit: Germany..type='hidden' name='question58' value='What+country+would+you+most+like+to+Visit%3A'..type=' hidden' name='type58' value='1'
In a Boy/Girl....type='hidden' name='question59' value='In+a+Boy%2FGirl..'..type='hidden' name='type59' value='2'
Favourite Eye Color: Doesnt matter..type='hidden' name='question60' value='Favourite+Eye+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type60' value='1'
Favourite Hair Color: Doesnt matter..type='hidden' name='question61' value='Favourite+Hair+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type61' value='1'
Short or Long Hair: not real short..type='hidden' name='question62' value='Short+or+Long+Hair%3A'..type='hidden' name='type62' value='1'
Height: not below 4'9"..type='hidden' name='question63' value='Height%3A'..type='hidden' name='type63' value='1'
Weight: Not huge..type='hidden' name='question64' value='Weight%3A'..type='hidden' name='type64' value='1'
Best Clothing Style: Dont matter..type='hidden' name='question65' value='Best+Clothing+Style%3A'..type='hidden' name='type65' value='1'
Number of Drugs I have taken: .....type='hidden' name='question66' value='Number+of+Drugs+I+have+taken%3A'..type='hidden' name='type66' value='1'
Number of CDs I own: Im not counting..type='hidden' name='question68' value='Number+of+CDs+I+own%3A'..type='hidden' name='type68' value='1'
Number of Piercings: none..type='hidden' name='question69' value='Number+of+Piercings%3A'..type='hidden' name='type69' value='1'
Number of Tattoos: none..type='hidden' name='question70' value='Number+of+Tattoos%3A'..type='hidden' name='type70' value='1'
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Nothin..type='hidden' name='question71' value='Number+of+things+in+my+Past+I+Regret%3A'..type='hidde n' name='type71' value='1'
..type='submit' value='Take This Survey'
? Myspace ? Survay ?
?Basic Info?
Name: Jody Henson
Nicknames: None
Age: 16
Birthday: Feb. 3rd
Year you were born: 1990
Siblings: 2
Hair color: Brown and Black
Eye color: Brown
Heigth: 6'1"
Ethnicity: Caucasion
Do you look like a cleb: No
Whats your clothing style: Comfortable?
Do you dye your hair: I have not right now
Have bangs: Yes
Have braces: No
Wear glasses: No
Contacts: No
Any percings: No
Tattoos: Yes
Clothing: Black T shirt and Jeans
shoes: White Reeboks
Hair do: I dunno?
Make-up: No!
Jewerly: No
Season: Winter
Location: My computer room
?Can you?
Write with both hands: No
Whistle: Yes
Blow bubbles: Yes
Roll you tongue: Yes
Flip your tongue: Yes
Do a 3 leaf clover: ???
Touch your noes with your tongue: No
Wiggle your nose: No
Wiggle your ears: No
Dance: I dunno
Speak more than one language: Yes
Smash a can on your head: I dunno
Cook: Yes
Do the splits: No
Do a back bend: No
?Do you?
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Read the newspaper: No
Read comic books: No
Drive: Yes
Sleep with a stuffed animal: No
Sing in the shower: No
Just randomly sing: Yes
Swear: Yes
Have any unique abilites: I dunno
If so what are they: ??
Believe in your self: Yes
Keep a diary/journel: No
Get along with you siblings: Some
Get along with your parents: My mom
Watch the news: No
Drink diet or regular soda: Regular
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Watch cartoons: No
Play an instrument: Yes
Have any pets: Yes
?Whats your?
Zodic sign: Aquarius
messenger: Yahoo
Most missed memory: I dont know
Best feature: I dunno
Best physical feature: I dunno
Over used phrase: Lol
First thought waking up: Time to smoke?
Fears: I dunno for sure none that I know of
Weakness: Nothing
Longest relationship: 1 year
?Have you ever?
Been kissed: Yes
Been in love: No
Ate shusi: Yes
Been to Disney land or world: Yes as a kid
Been to the beach: Yes
Been out of country: Yes
Prank called someone: yes
TP somebodys house: Yes
Been to the movies: Yes
Shop lifted: Yes
Said I love you but didn't mean it: Yes
Had your cell taken away: No
Been grounded: Yes
Did something you were told not to do: Yes
Made straight A's: No
Stayed up all night and day: Yes
Been to a concert: Yes
Went camping: Yes
Went to a camp: No
Sat on Sants lap: I dunno
Talked on the phone to one person for 4 or more hours: Yes
Fell asleep on the phone: Yes
Fell out of your chair: Yes
Fell out of your bed: Yes
Ate a lemon slice without flinching: Yes
Got on top of a table and stared dancing: No
Color/s: Black and Blue
Color to wear: Black
T.V show: None
Animal/s: Dogs
Artist/Band: Not really one
Song: Dont have one
Sprort to play: Football
Sport to watch: None
Baseball team: None
Football team: None
Basketball team: None
Hocky team: None
Holiday: Christmas
Restaurant: None
Book: I can't read
Flower: None
Raido station: 102.9 The Buzz
Movie: None
Teacher: None
Class: None
Season: Winter
Candy: None
Number/s: None
Clothing store/s: None
Internet site: None
Democrat, Republican, or Pro Choice: None
Do you want to go to collage: No
Is so where: No
What would you like to be when you get older: I dunno
Do you want to get married: Yes
Do you want kids: Yes
What countries would you like to visit: Any I can
Are you romantic: I dunno
Whats your favorite kind of music: Metal
?In a guy or girl?
Favorite hair color: Doesnt matter
Favorite eye color: Same as above
Hair length: Longish
Weight: Not too big but other than that doesnt matter
Love or money: Love
Looks or personality: Personality
Clothing style: I dunno for sure
Best: Justin
Loudest: Justin
Craziest: Casey
Funniest: Daniel
Allways can cheer you up: Keisha
Best car: Drew
Best house: Justin
Nicest: A lot
Shyest: Casey
Smartest: Keisha
Newest: Cody
Most likely to be a singer: I dunno
A cop: None
A doctor: None
Famous: None
A vet: none
Best clothing style: Hmmm I dunno
Oddest: Charlie
Always happy: Matt
Most blonde: Trisha
Most inspirational: I dunno
Move to New York City & become a BIG TIME person: I dunno
Be in the TIME magazine: I dunno
A Dallas Cowboys cheerleader: I dunno
Most talkative: i DONT KNOW FOR SURE
Knows most about you: Hmmm Keisha
Talk to the most ..: I dunno
On the phone with most: Katie
Fight with the most with: Katie lol
Known the longest: Justin
Listens to your problems: I dunno
Do your friends know you: Yes?
?10 things you hate?
1: Stereotypers
2: Fords
3: Fake people
4: People who smoke pot to be cool
5: Liars
6: People who talk behind your back
7: People who are pussies and can't deal with their problems
8: Emo people
9: Snitches
10: Bitches
?8 things you love?
1: Music
2: My guitar
3: Metal
4: My friends
5: ?
6: ?
7: ?
8: ?
?6 things you coldent live without?
1: My guitar
2: My clothes
3: A house
4: My car
5: Food
6: Oxygen?
?4 thing you woul bring to a deserted island?
1: Clothes
2: Friends
3: Food
4: Water
?In your room?
Do you have a T.V: Yes
Computer: Yes
Fan: Yes
Walk in closet: No
What color/s is it: White
What size is your bed: King
?Do you wish?
You were some were else: Yes
This was over 8 minutes ago: YES
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My Blog


On June 30th one of my best friends died in a car accident he was prounounced dead at the scene after the 1999 Isuzu Rodeo landed on him. He was like my brother more than my friend. We had always hung...
Posted by $J-Heezy$( Can't Fuk Wit Em.) on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 09:19:00 PST

Guess who you are if you are one of these 10.

1.You are my best friend you have always let me hang out at ya house even after we got kicked outta the skating ring lol 2.you are my bestest sister in the world we always talk about things that happe...
Posted by $J-Heezy$( Can't Fuk Wit Em.) on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 03:22:00 PST

I have to sign up for school grrrrr!!

Well then I am bored and i have to sign up for mchs today ahh what fun im gonna go now so i can do whatever*yawn*...   Jody...
Posted by $J-Heezy$( Can't Fuk Wit Em.) on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 05:48:00 PST