Chillin wit dem boyz and gettin fucked upcenter You are 1000% kinky
You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex?
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com2coolphoto / Layouts ,
Just friends to hang with I guess.
Rap mainly a little rock.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
Which guitar are you
B.C. Rich Warlock
You are a BC Rich Warlock. Its Gothic Shape and death metal sound have gotten it a good reputation with modern distortion enthusaists.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Shit loads
I don't really watch TV
I can't read? If you know me you know that hahahaha
Myself, because I am fucking me I wanna be me not you or anyone else. I am who I will be. I put up with shit every day but not to look up to someone else fuck that.
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey..type='hidden' name='question1' value='TELL+ME+ABOUT+YOURSELF+-+The+Survey'..type='hidden' name='type1' value='2'
Name: Jody Henson..type='hidden' name='question2' value='Name%3A'..type='hidden' name='type2' value='1'
Birthday: 2/3/90..type='hidden' name='question3' value='Birthday%3A'..type='hidden' name='type3' value='1'
Birthplace: Columbia..type='hidden' name='question4' value='Birthplace%3A'..type='hidden' name='type4' value='1'
Current Location: Lewisburg..type='hidden' name='question5' value='Current+Location%3A'..type='hidden' name='type5' value='1'
Eye Color: Brown..type='hidden' name='question6' value='Eye+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type6' value='1'
Hair Color: Dark Brown..type='hidden' name='question7' value='Hair+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type7' value='1'
Height: 6'0"..type='hidden' name='question8' value='Height%3A'..type='hidden' name='type8' value='1'
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right..type='hidden' name='question9' value='Right+Handed+or+Left+Handed%3A'..type='hidden' name='type9' value='1'
Your Heritage: Ummm...American..type='hidden' name='question10' value='Your+Heritage%3A'..type='hidden' name='type10' value='1'
The Shoes You Wore Today: Reebok..type='hidden' name='question11' value='The+Shoes+You+Wore+Today%3A'..type='hidden' name='type11' value='1'
Your Weakness: I dunno..type='hidden' name='question12' value='Your+Weakness%3A'..type='hidden' name='type12' value='1'
Your Fears: Right now it's getting sent off..type='hidden' name='question13' value='Your+Fears%3A'..type='hidden' name='type13' value='1'
Your Perfect Pizza: I dunno..type='hidden' name='question14' value='Your+Perfect+Pizza%3A'..type='hidden' name='type14' value='1'
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Something..type='hidden' name='question15' value='Goal+You+Would+Like+To+Achieve+This+Year%3A'..type='h
idden' name='type15' value='1'
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol..type='hidden' name='question16' value='Your+Most+Overused+Phrase+On+an+instant+messenger%3A'
..type='hidden' name='type16' value='1'
Thoughts First Waking Up: I'm going back to sleep..type='hidden' name='question17' value='Thoughts+First+Waking+Up%3A'..type='hidden' name='type17' value='1'
Your Best Physical Feature: You tell me..type='hidden' name='question18' value='Your+Best+Physical+Feature%3A'..type='hidden' name='type18' value='1'
Your Bedtime: Don't got one..type='hidden' name='question19' value='Your+Bedtime%3A'..type='hidden' name='type19' value='1'
Your Most Missed Memory: I dunno..type='hidden' name='question20' value='Your+Most+Missed+Memory%3A'..type='hidden' name='type20' value='1'
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi..type='hidden' name='question21' value='Pepsi+or+Coke%3A'..type='hidden' name='type21' value='1'
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither?..type='hidden' name='question22' value='MacDonalds+or+Burger+King%3A'..type='hidden' name='type22' value='1'
Single or Group Dates: either doesnt matter..type='hidden' name='question23' value='Single+or+Group+Dates%3A'..type='hidden' name='type23' value='1'
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Dont matter..type='hidden' name='question24' value='Lipton+Ice+Tea+or+Nestea%3A'..type='hidden' name='type24' value='1'
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate..type='hidden' name='question25' value='Chocolate+or+Vanilla%3A'..type='hidden' name='type25' value='1'
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino..type='hidden' name='question26' value='Cappuccino+or+Coffee%3A'..type='hidden' name='type26' value='1'
Do you Smoke: Yes..type='hidden' name='question27' value='Do+you+Smoke%3A'..type='hidden' name='type27' value='1'
Do you Swear: Yes..type='hidden' name='question28' value='Do+you+Swear%3A'..type='hidden' name='type28' value='1'
Do you Sing: Hahaha No..type='hidden' name='question29' value='Do+you+Sing%3A'..type='hidden' name='type29' value='1'
Do you Shower Daily: Yes..type='hidden' name='question30' value='Do+you+Shower+Daily%3A'..type='hidden' name='type30' value='1'
Have you Been in Love: I dont know..type='hidden' name='question31' value='Have+you+Been+in+Love%3A'..type='hidden' name='type31' value='1'
Do you want to go to College: Dunno..type='hidden' name='question32' value='Do+you+want+to+go+to+College%3A'..type='hidden' name='type32' value='1'
Do you want to get Married: Someday..type='hidden' name='question33' value='Do+you+want+to+get+Married%3A'..type='hidden' name='type33' value='1'
Do you belive in yourself: I guess..type='hidden' name='question34' value='Do+you+belive+in+yourself%3A'..type='hidden' name='type34' value='1'
Do you get Motion Sickness: No..type='hidden' name='question35' value='Do+you+get+Motion+Sickness%3A'..type='hidden' name='type35' value='1'
Do you think you are Attractive: You tell me..type='hidden' name='question36' value='Do+you+think+you+are+Attractive%3A'..type='hidden' name='type36' value='1'
Are you a Health Freak: No..type='hidden' name='question37' value='Are+you+a+Health+Freak%3A'..type='hidden' name='type37' value='1'
Do you get along with your Parents: No..type='hidden' name='question38' value='Do+you+get+along+with+your+Parents%3A'..type='hidden'
name='type38' value='1'
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes..type='hidden' name='question39' value='Do+you+like+Thunderstorms%3A'..type='hidden' name='type39' value='1'
Do you play an Instrument: Guitar..type='hidden' name='question40' value='Do+you+play+an+Instrument%3A'..type='hidden' name='type40' value='1'
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes..type='hidden' name='question41' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+Drank+Alcohol%3A'..type='h
idden' name='type41' value='1'
In the past month have you Smoked: Yes..type='hidden' name='question42' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+Smoked%3A'..type='hidden' name='type42' value='1'
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No..type='hidden' name='question43' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+been+on+Drugs%3A'..type='h
idden' name='type43' value='1'
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Hahahaha......type='hidden' name='question44' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+gone+on+a+Date%3A'..type='
hidden' name='type44' value='1'
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Hmmm no..type='hidden' name='question45' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+gone+to+a+Mall%3A'..type='
hidden' name='type45' value='1'
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No..type='hidden' name='question46' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+eaten+a+box+of+Oreos%3A'..
type='hidden' name='type46' value='1'
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: No..type='hidden' name='question47' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+eaten+Sushi%3A'..type='hid
den' name='type47' value='1'
In the past month have you been on Stage: No..type='hidden' name='question48' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+been+on+Stage%3A'..type='h
idden' name='type48' value='1'
In the past month have you been Dumped: No..type='hidden' name='question49' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+been+Dumped%3A'..type='hid
den' name='type49' value='1'
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No..type='hidden' name='question50' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+gone+Skinny+Dipping%3A'..t
ype='hidden' name='type50' value='1'
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No..type='hidden' name='question51' value='In+the+past+month+have+you+Stolen+Anything%3A'..type=
'hidden' name='type51' value='1'
Ever been Drunk: Yes..type='hidden' name='question52' value='Ever+been+Drunk%3A'..type='hidden' name='type52' value='1'
Ever been called a Tease: No..type='hidden' name='question53' value='Ever+been+called+a+Tease%3A'..type='hidden' name='type53' value='1'
Ever been Beaten up: hahaha Yes Bo Green...not fun..type='hidden' name='question54' value='Ever+been+Beaten+up%3A'..type='hidden' name='type54' value='1'
Ever Shoplifted: Hmmm I dont remember..type='hidden' name='question55' value='Ever+Shoplifted%3A'..type='hidden' name='type55' value='1'
How do you want to Die: Dont matter..type='hidden' name='question56' value='How+do+you+want+to+Die%3A'..type='hidden' name='type56' value='1'
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: ?alive?..type='hidden' name='question57' value='What+do+you+want+to+be+when+you+Grow+Up%3A'..type='hi
dden' name='type57' value='1'
What country would you most like to Visit: Germany..type='hidden' name='question58' value='What+country+would+you+most+like+to+Visit%3A'..type='
hidden' name='type58' value='1'
In a Boy/Girl....type='hidden' name='question59' value='In+a+Boy%2FGirl..'..type='hidden' name='type59' value='2'
Favourite Eye Color: Doesnt matter..type='hidden' name='question60' value='Favourite+Eye+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type60' value='1'
Favourite Hair Color: Doesnt matter..type='hidden' name='question61' value='Favourite+Hair+Color%3A'..type='hidden' name='type61' value='1'
Short or Long Hair: not real short..type='hidden' name='question62' value='Short+or+Long+Hair%3A'..type='hidden' name='type62' value='1'
Height: not below 4'9"..type='hidden' name='question63' value='Height%3A'..type='hidden' name='type63' value='1'
Weight: Not huge..type='hidden' name='question64' value='Weight%3A'..type='hidden' name='type64' value='1'
Best Clothing Style: Dont matter..type='hidden' name='question65' value='Best+Clothing+Style%3A'..type='hidden' name='type65' value='1'
Number of Drugs I have taken: .....type='hidden' name='question66' value='Number+of+Drugs+I+have+taken%3A'..type='hidden' name='type66' value='1'
Number of CDs I own: Im not counting..type='hidden' name='question68' value='Number+of+CDs+I+own%3A'..type='hidden' name='type68' value='1'
Number of Piercings: none..type='hidden' name='question69' value='Number+of+Piercings%3A'..type='hidden' name='type69' value='1'
Number of Tattoos: none..type='hidden' name='question70' value='Number+of+Tattoos%3A'..type='hidden' name='type70' value='1'
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Nothin..type='hidden' name='question71' value='Number+of+things+in+my+Past+I+Regret%3A'..type='hidde
n' name='type71' value='1'
..type='submit' value='Take This Survey'
? Myspace ? Survay ?
?Basic Info?
Name: Jody Henson
Nicknames: None
Age: 16
Birthday: Feb. 3rd
Year you were born: 1990
Siblings: 2
Hair color: Brown and Black
Eye color: Brown
Heigth: 6'1"
Ethnicity: Caucasion
Do you look like a cleb: No
Whats your clothing style: Comfortable?
Do you dye your hair: I have not right now
Have bangs: Yes
Have braces: No
Wear glasses: No
Contacts: No
Any percings: No
Tattoos: Yes
Clothing: Black T shirt and Jeans
shoes: White Reeboks
Hair do: I dunno?
Make-up: No!
Jewerly: No
Season: Winter
Location: My computer room
?Can you?
Write with both hands: No
Whistle: Yes
Blow bubbles: Yes
Roll you tongue: Yes
Flip your tongue: Yes
Do a 3 leaf clover: ???
Touch your noes with your tongue: No
Wiggle your nose: No
Wiggle your ears: No
Dance: I dunno
Speak more than one language: Yes
Smash a can on your head: I dunno
Cook: Yes
Do the splits: No
Do a back bend: No
?Do you?
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Read the newspaper: No
Read comic books: No
Drive: Yes
Sleep with a stuffed animal: No
Sing in the shower: No
Just randomly sing: Yes
Swear: Yes
Have any unique abilites: I dunno
If so what are they: ??
Believe in your self: Yes
Keep a diary/journel: No
Get along with you siblings: Some
Get along with your parents: My mom
Watch the news: No
Drink diet or regular soda: Regular
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Watch cartoons: No
Play an instrument: Yes
Have any pets: Yes
?Whats your?
Zodic sign: Aquarius
messenger: Yahoo
Most missed memory: I dont know
Best feature: I dunno
Best physical feature: I dunno
Over used phrase: Lol
First thought waking up: Time to smoke?
Fears: I dunno for sure none that I know of
Weakness: Nothing
Longest relationship: 1 year
?Have you ever?
Been kissed: Yes
Been in love: No
Ate shusi: Yes
Been to Disney land or world: Yes as a kid
Been to the beach: Yes
Been out of country: Yes
Prank called someone: yes
TP somebodys house: Yes
Been to the movies: Yes
Shop lifted: Yes
Said I love you but didn't mean it: Yes
Had your cell taken away: No
Been grounded: Yes
Did something you were told not to do: Yes
Made straight A's: No
Stayed up all night and day: Yes
Been to a concert: Yes
Went camping: Yes
Went to a camp: No
Sat on Sants lap: I dunno
Talked on the phone to one person for 4 or more hours: Yes
Fell asleep on the phone: Yes
Fell out of your chair: Yes
Fell out of your bed: Yes
Ate a lemon slice without flinching: Yes
Got on top of a table and stared dancing: No
Color/s: Black and Blue
Color to wear: Black
T.V show: None
Animal/s: Dogs
Artist/Band: Not really one
Song: Dont have one
Sprort to play: Football
Sport to watch: None
Baseball team: None
Football team: None
Basketball team: None
Hocky team: None
Holiday: Christmas
Restaurant: None
Book: I can't read
Flower: None
Raido station: 102.9 The Buzz
Movie: None
Teacher: None
Class: None
Season: Winter
Candy: None
Number/s: None
Clothing store/s: None
Internet site: None
Democrat, Republican, or Pro Choice: None
Do you want to go to collage: No
Is so where: No
What would you like to be when you get older: I dunno
Do you want to get married: Yes
Do you want kids: Yes
What countries would you like to visit: Any I can
Are you romantic: I dunno
Whats your favorite kind of music: Metal
?In a guy or girl?
Favorite hair color: Doesnt matter
Favorite eye color: Same as above
Hair length: Longish
Weight: Not too big but other than that doesnt matter
Love or money: Love
Looks or personality: Personality
Clothing style: I dunno for sure
Best: Justin
Loudest: Justin
Craziest: Casey
Funniest: Daniel
Allways can cheer you up: Keisha
Best car: Drew
Best house: Justin
Nicest: A lot
Shyest: Casey
Smartest: Keisha
Newest: Cody
Most likely to be a singer: I dunno
A cop: None
A doctor: None
Famous: None
A vet: none
Best clothing style: Hmmm I dunno
Oddest: Charlie
Always happy: Matt
Most blonde: Trisha
Most inspirational: I dunno
Move to New York City & become a BIG TIME person: I dunno
Be in the TIME magazine: I dunno
A Dallas Cowboys cheerleader: I dunno
Most talkative: i DONT KNOW FOR SURE
Knows most about you: Hmmm Keisha
Talk to the most ..: I dunno
On the phone with most: Katie
Fight with the most with: Katie lol
Known the longest: Justin
Listens to your problems: I dunno
Do your friends know you: Yes?
?10 things you hate?
1: Stereotypers
2: Fords
3: Fake people
4: People who smoke pot to be cool
5: Liars
6: People who talk behind your back
7: People who are pussies and can't deal with their problems
8: Emo people
9: Snitches
10: Bitches
?8 things you love?
1: Music
2: My guitar
3: Metal
4: My friends
5: ?
6: ?
7: ?
8: ?
?6 things you coldent live without?
1: My guitar
2: My clothes
3: A house
4: My car
5: Food
6: Oxygen?
?4 thing you woul bring to a deserted island?
1: Clothes
2: Friends
3: Food
4: Water
?In your room?
Do you have a T.V: Yes
Computer: Yes
Fan: Yes
Walk in closet: No
What color/s is it: White
What size is your bed: King
?Do you wish?
You were some were else: Yes
This was over 8 minutes ago: YES
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