I'm as straight as the line that you sniff up your nose
I'm as hard as the booze that you swill down your throat
I'm as bad as the shit you breath into your lungs
And I'll fuck you up as fast as the pill on your tongue
Layout made by TeenageVelocity at CreateBlog.com .
*Neil Perry* *Saetia* *Raein* *Orchid* *Hot Cross* *Amanda Woodward* *Ampere* *Mikoto* *A Long Winter* *Blessed by a broken Heart* *Circle Takes the Square* *Fear Before the March of Flames* *Gas CHamber Melodies* *It Dies Today* *Koaspilot* *When my authorities fall* *A second pursuit* *Alexionfire* *Shape of My Fall* *Mihai Edrisch* *Analena* *Sensual Love* *From autumn to Ahes*
Which moshpit move are you?
you are: the spin kick! You are dangerous when done in a small space, people are scared crapless of you!
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