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About Me

Hi i'm Nichole. my birthday is comeing up, it's on thursday Dec 7th. if you know anyone who has a birthday a day off or before then halluh... we should do something together like ditch!!!! ummm jkin more like Fiesta?! yup that's what i meant... any thoughts about gift wise?
Please take some time to fil this out please?
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it?
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
33. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
34. How many divorces do you think i will go through?
35. Are you going to put this on your myspace and see what I say about you?
36. What is you idea of a perfect date?
37. Have you ever had dirty thoughts about me?
38. What is unattactive about me?
39. What's my best feature?
40. What do you like best about me?
41. Am i girlfriend material?
42. Do you think know me?
43. How weird can I get when we are together?
44. Have you ever shared a "moment" (sad or happy situations mostly emotionall stuff)in my life?
45. Am I a good friend?
46. Am I replaceable?
47. Have I ever hurt you?
48. What am I scard of?
49. If you could kidnap me for a day, where would you take me?
50. Do I have your phone number?

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For xmas i am really excited to know that i am getting the all time fav. gift and what makes it more special is my b/f is the one that's going to give me!! buhh yeah... here are some super sale stuff that i would like to go get or do before 1st semester ends...get fuzzy red slippers
a tiffany heart shape ring
a new heart pendent
tennis racket
black casual shoes
diamond earrings
tennis braclet
stero systemthe movie happy feetget a tandye my hairget braces offeat hot soup with my b/f out on a cold dayplay bball before it snow but i guess i can't do that untill this snow storm melts away..
want a series of facial massages at mario tricoci
go rock climing with chanla and daveS (double date!! her and her dave then me and my dave up on the high rocks yeah!!)
get momie her perfume
get daddy his gallon of biofreeze
get gma both nice wallets
ask b/f about what he wants and i bought it all ready for him all i need now is to wrap it...=)
go college hunting
get in shape
cut back on junkie
wrap gifts for everyone and write them little pretty cards
hope i didn't miss anything

My Interests

.....:: | | | What you need to know about me | | | ::.... /
Silver or gold jewelry:Silver.... I DON"T like gold
Long or short hair:I am feeling more into short hair this year...
Shorts or skirts:im starting to like them... hahah =) thunder thieghs are going bye bye!! i might start wearing them more this spring...o.0
Top I wear the most:TUBEY/TANK tops!! they make me feel sexy...=) But i love hulter tops more but those don't come in man variety....any body want to get me a cute hulter tops when they come across one???
Tighter or loose:Tighter the better? nahhh not all the you all know me although i wear tight ass clothes i always have a sweater around...haha ya'all must be thinkin wth it's like 98 degree out and she still wearing a sweater ...well thats just how i am hehe i only show it all when it's the right timeing sorry i don't let myself go just to fit in with this society
Pants size:Always a 5 (espically if it's stretchy) if not stretchy then a 7... depending on the pants)
shirt size:small if it's meant to be tight if meant to be worn loose then medium...
shoe size:8 around there also depending on the shoe heheh if needing just take me shopping then well try them all on!!! woot woot i still need a shoe buddie i all ready have undie buddie BRAbie buddie now i need are shoe's and purse buddie!!!
color of clotheings:I am into pastel colors this year!!!espically baby blue, tangerine orange or even dark burgendy red....ooooolala how preety..=)
Whats my fantasy:belly flop in a pool full of jello...naked!!! mauahaha sounds weird but hey it's a fantasy guys ease up..
What makes me awww:Babies!!! i love how they are soo small haha their world is so simple and everything is so simplely innocent..haha yes i am one of those chicks who will actually talk to you if you have an adorable baby with you... now that i told you that you homies can't use that to get my attention!!!
what makes me mad:when people who say they are my homies won't talk to me like i am a homeie but instead they make me feel like no closer then a staranger to this year forget all you people if your not up to the talking then forget about me discussing anything about my problems to's really no point of trying to get it out of you if your going to feel forced or not comfortable talking about it
what makes me sad:when i am lonely....or the thoughts of the darken days.......what a fool i am =(
what makes me happy:many little priceLESS gifts...nothing big or fanscy or pricey.... just the many little thoughts that add up big!
....::HERE are some ideas for you guys to use to score your girl's heart and all makeing all her friends going AWWW on her...(trust me you'll love that moment of seeing her with this bright smile and spark in her eyes of wanting to jump on top of you for making her feel like the queen of the world!! =D)
=1000 hugs vs. 1000 roses (although that would be something different hehe i never got that many roses awww haha the thought of it makes me want it..anyone want to get me??? i love you even more!! hehe jk
everytime you give her a hug whisper in her ear something sweet and corny.... girls dig those cheesy things!
=surprise her by doing a scavenger hunt
make her go looking for her gift
this one is cute if you do it for her birthday or if your planning to propose to her it's the cutiest way !
i hope you guys are really sincere because if you are, you would have all the material i am about to ask in order to do this
ok like lets say she still goes to school and you don't or you do too but you both are at different places right??
send her the 1st clue to her house
be sure it also comes with something that you both did together when you guys 1st met or somthing that reminds her of when or how you guys met
leave it on her front steps 2nd clue should be in her car, leave something that reminds her of your 1st date like a ticket stud of a movie you guys went to see or a menu from the resturant you guys went to and highlight all the things you guys ordered that night .... 3rd clue should be delivered to her school, while she's in class...send her something you guys did on your very 1st anniversary celerbration... like lets say you brought her roses and rented a movie and spent the night together? well then rerent the movie and leave one rose (same type of flower n color) next to it.... 4th clue should be when she has lunch...go pick her up n take her out to lunch.... 5th clue should be when she gets back to her next class there should be the next clue at her desk!! make sure b4 you were there to pick her up you make a quick stop and arrange her this clue..!! in this clue should be a bag of all the things that is funn use for later on like such as camera, whipp cream, oil, candles, titckle feather and a pack of fun condoms....haha kinda kinky but anything else is optional!! 6th clue is when she has gym send her a message about when you guys 1st those times are fun and you'd like to chanllange her agian for a rematch!!7th clue is when schools out go pick her up and take her to a spa place so she can get pamered and get ready when atfer she got all her hair, nails, massage, facial n all other beauty goodies done .... 8th clue is be sure to leave a sexy gown for her...leave it at the place and let the lady who's in charge of billing you to give this to your girl when she's about done so she can wear it...9th should be you waiting for her at the door all glamed up with flowers in your hand!!... 10th clue take her to a new resturant downtown be sure to park your car at least a mile away so you two love birds can walk together and enjoy the beautiful night together heheh try going to chi town ... on michigan ave.....11th clue as you guys are done take her for a walk and then just then ask her how she's likeing all this....of course if she hasn't yet ask you why your doing all this point at the all the house that are doing there thing with the lights!! like how it spells out happy birthday _____name______ or will you marry me ______name_______.(you all know wuh i mean with the lights right? like did you all see what they did with all the skyscrappers lights when the white sox were in the world series???? well thats what i mean)=) and just then get on you knees and do you thing dats if your proposing to her!!! hehhehe i know it's not the cheapiest way to propose or but yeah i didn't say it was gunna be cheap but hey it happend ones in a life time right? so why not make it worth it to remember and you can't put a price on love!!!!
....:: | | | What I like in a guy | | | ::.... /
what turns me on:when guys wear casuall sweaters or long sleeve casual dress up stuff... omg it makes me have this urg of wanting to strip them down fast.... the whole sweater things sends me this vibe of teddy bear heheh n when i think of teddy bear 1st thing that comes to mind is big HUG and cuddle me.... =)
what turns me off:bad breath
my weakness:guys coloan!!! it's sexy when a guy smells good....makes me melt when they are near me (i like how my babe smells!!)
what makes me mad:when you get mad at me for no reason espically of jealousy!!
what makes me sad:if i find out you got something going on with any of my girls.... sorry we don't do that...espically dateing each others eX's
what makes me happy:when i get long hugs!!! goshh i think i can use one right now... they make me fell mellow..
what i don't like:i don't like tee shirts!!!sometimes they make me wounder about alot of things
now don't say you didn't know any of that about me

I'd like to meet:

I would like to order a plate full of nice people please? with a side order of
their mothers. or the next following people.....
_Tila Nguyen
_Trish Tran
_lona from smallville

please send a message FIRST before you request to be my friend
Oh..and another thing..i favor people that leave comments hahah jusss kidding ;) But they are nice =)


The Child Called "IT"!! you got to read it if you didn't then i don't know where you have been dammm that's such a good book i cryd!!! even my mom cryd and she didn't read the book she just herd me telling her about it. You won't reget reading it ... i promise you . that you will probally end up likeing it! even if you are the type of person that doesn't like to read...! well that was me untill i read that book it showd me that there are books good as this still out there that i don't know about...... got any good books you have read ..? reccomendem to your friends!