_..miChEe.._ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ Click here to get Falling Objects â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢ â„¢miCHeE caN be..- CraZy.. - WacKy.. - fuNny.. -c0oL -siLLy -nauGhty.. -Bad.. (aLL d tYm) hehe... -y0ur Best paL....buT caN aLS0 Be y0ur -W0rsT niGhtmare... -sWeeT -caRing -t0ughtfuL -reLiaBLe -uNDersTANding.**(LAhAT naH ng MAGAndang tRaits...hehe)MiCHee iS A...-perS0n...haha.. -cart0on L0ver... ;) -pReTty LasS (wAhehe,Lang c0c0ntRa) -c0MpuTer aDdict... -g0od TeasER -inTerneT freAk.. -RuLE BreaKEr -a VerY d0wn t0 eaRth perS0n...(s0 d0wn That i c0uLd aLm0st sEe saTan fr0m here... hehe... ;) )MicHee L0ves...-everythiNg..hehe -G0d.. -Her d0g... (tiNy) -Her faMiLy -Her friEnds.. -CAmerAs..hehe -t0 f0oL ar0und -t0 hANg 0ut wiTh her FrienDs -t0 meET nEw pe0pLe anD s0on t0 be caLLed "FriENds" -g0in t0 paRties.. -haVin' paRty 0f Her 0wn... -t0 eat -t0 dreAm... -t0 wriTe thiNgs...(wHEther iT is BAd 0r G0od...) -t0 Laugh... -heAring G0ssiPs..yeHEy! -t0 reAD h0Rr0r b0ocz.. -t0 waTCh h0rr0r fiLms and th0se fuNny 0nes... -hEr ceLLph0ne... ;) -beiN' heR seLf... ;)miCHee d0esnt Like...-aNn0yiNg pe0pLe... -PLasTic pErs0ns... -ta0ng gRasa anD uNg mga paLAb0i...(nataTAc0t ac0 sKNLa eh..) -saD m0menTS (wh0 wanTS it anYway??) -heARing tHe w0rd "g0odBye" fr0m s0me0ne... -baCK fiGhters"weLL...i cAnt reALLy desCribe mYSELf,,jUz haNG ar0und wiTH me s0 y0u w0uLd kN0w wHat kiNd 0f perS0n am i... ;) d0nt w0rRy..i d0nt biTe... ;)"Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com

My Interests

uHhmmm Lets see.. i uSuaLLy L0ve surfiN' d Net, tEasin' mY cLAsSMates ANd FrieNDs, MeeTin' New Pe0PLe anD 0Thers sTuff Like Txtin' uNTiL tHE wEe h0uRs 0f d m0rNing, taLkin' 0n Tha f0wn f0r h0uRs anD h0uRs, haVin' mY LAte niGHt seSsi0n wiTh mah siSiE d0in stuFFs Like eAtin' anD LAughiNg anD hanGing wiD my friENds, Listening t0 d sERm0ns 0r j0shUa anD frAnK, sEnding L0ts anD L0ts 0f q0utes t0 my friENds anD cLAssmATes, Havin' my daiLy fiGht wiTh mY br0., waTChin' m0vieS wiTh mY friEnds, pLAyin' caRD games wiTh carL, sh0utin' at mY d0g wHEnevEr sheS n0isy, Eatin' L0LLip0p, makiN mY frienDs anD cLAssmATes Buy a L0LLip0p f0r Me..hehe.. LisTEnin' t0 JAred's wHine.. kiLLin' m0squit0s aND buGs..ehehehe
Your Icecream Flavour is...
Choc-Chip Cookie Dough! You are fancy shmancy! You have all the bells and whistles and you attract the most gluttonous of ice-cream shop patrons. You are fattening and intensely rich. That being said, you are very tasty and have a huge fanbase! good for you! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz
M Mushy
E Elitist
E Exhausting
S Skillful
H Honest
E Enchanting
E Energetic
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
How to make a meeshee
5 parts anger
3 parts silliness
3 parts joy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add caring to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
Do you think you can read my mind? - From Go-Quiz.com About this Friend.... Guess who?
LJ Username:

I'd like to meet:

"th0se cReatuRes wiTh m0re Than 1 eye, n0se, eaR, m0uth, f0ot, b0dy anD Lips...hehe..."th0se pe0PLe wh0 aRe as cRAzy aS me..."th0se pe0PLe wh0 d0esnT caRe ab0ut wHAt pe0pLe thinKs..."th0se pe0pLe wh0 aRe pr0ud 0f wh0 anD wHAt They aRe..."th0se pe0PLe wh0 ALs0 waNts t0 Be My friENd...hehe ...;)whAt y0u sEe iS WHat y0u gEt
My sTyLe _ jEz PasSin bY _ L0okin f0r s0mething? _ iNviTes ANd sTufFs _ mY p0siTi0n _ bunch 0f cRap _ FuN Fun FuN!! _ LeT Me HeAR it!


Bow Wow - Let Me Hold You - Featuring Om...
Provided by VideoCodes4U.com


h0tcHicK 8miLe, Y0u g0t SerVed, Dem0nKnigHT, vaLenTinE, VampiRe, DracuLa, Jack'ass, DupLex, , ThePrinCeAndMe, WitChes, 50 firsT date.scARy m0vie1, 2, 3, NigHtouTWiThTheReaLwitChes, taLesfr0mthEcRypT, jEepErsCreePers1&2Kung May 3 Pati 3 Nah...heheh.... xMen..BatMan, SuPermaN, SpiderMan at cUng an0 an0 paNG maN jAN..hehe...prinCessDiAry, suGAr anD spiCE, i am sAM, ev0Luti0n, Day aFter t0mM0r0w, waR 0f tHE w0RLds, paSsi0n 0f cHRist, faNTAstic 4, m0nsTEr in-LAw, ciNDERELLa st0ry, HeLL b0i, fiNAL destiNATi0n 1, 2, mS.c0ngeniaLity1, 2, , -ummmh n0h paBa???...NexT tiMe nLng Pag NaisiP c0h Nah uNg iBa pah... ;) kht ano NmN eH bsta maganda 0r uNg naG eeNj0y ac0..hehehe


cart0ons!!! hehehe, my wife and kidz, a.f.v, mtv, wiLDb0yz, cribS, oprah, disney, niCKelodeon, ride with funk master fLex, piMp mY riDe, diSmisSEd, 0ne BAd trip, wiLD b0yz, tHe j0e schm0 sh0w, jERry sPrinGer, charmed, jack'ass d seriEs, scariest places on earth, punk'd, ThaTs0RavEn, buFfy, aNgeL, whaTEVer Things,feAR faCt0r


purp0se driVEn LifechiCKen s0up f0r thE teEnage souLchiCKEn s0up f0r thE m0theR s0uLchiCKen p0x f0r thE s0uLpab0rit0ng Libr0 ni huDasg0osebUmps
