Miss. Professional Amateur profile picture

Miss. Professional Amateur

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'll admit it, I recently realised I might - just possibly - be a little overly into myself. That confession is based on the fact I find it very easy to write about myself. What I find harder is stopping.
You're first impression of me, besides any thoughts about my appearence, might be that I'm opinionated or outspoken. This impression would be pretty accurate. A later impression of me, when I contradict myself, might be that I'm a hypocrite. This impression would be less accurate. I am simply unbearably fickle. I can assure you that my previous statements were correct at the time.
I'm also a complete wannabe, sad as I know it is. I'm a little fuzzy when it comes to the details of what I want to be, but I'm sure as hell that I really want to be it. I obsess over details to the extent that I leave the bigger picture to its own devices too much, but since I don't like to know where I'm going as much as where I am, I don't think that's such a bad thing.
And one last bit about my general outlook. I'm a diehard optamist at heart, though you wouldn't think it, and I romanticise the strangest things. The strangest things being most things. Just not love. Never love.

My Interests

Stuff. All kinds of stuff. Especially anything edible.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who takes me seriously - some of the time at least. Failing that, I think I could probably put up with any single, mega-hot guys who're into silly little brunettes like me.
Add me: [email protected]

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Firstly, a disclaimer: I have no taste. Now, where was I?
At the moment I'm bumming: Palladium , Blonde Louis , The Winehouse , Franz Ferdinand , and, as if you hadn't guessed, Remi Nicole .


I like funny films, or ones with lots and lots of explosions. Anything that combines both makes me very happy indeed. However I often can't be bothered to watch a film, so I'm best bribed initially with popcorn.
Oh, and kid's films are good too, obviously. But I don't like to watch any film twice. Unless it's Monty Python's Life of Brian, which is an exception to most rules.
Oh, and I hate RomComs.


I miss documentaries. I used to plan my documentary-viewing weekly, ensuring an even mix of nature and history, with a pinch of general interest. Now I rarely get round to it. I'm a little happy-go-lucky, really. I'll just switch the set on and see what I get.
Favourites? Sitcoms rock, evidently, and I do like a good soft porn film disguised as a historical drama. But soft porn is nowhere near as exciting as a weekend morning cookery show. And obscure late night films where you miss the start and have to grapple to get the plot before the disappointing ending are great. And... OK, it's all good, really. Mind if I go watch some now?


Cookery books! (See the re-occuring theme?) I don't read many books at the moment, but my fiction of choice will always be fantasy. The concept of biographies somehow annoys me. The only one I ever read was Casanova's, and I still haven't go round to getting his autobiography. Once again, nature and history feature highly - something with photographs is a must though, as far as non-fiction goes.


All effortless people.
...the wankers

My Blog

My old profile content... coz I have to put it somewhere

Interests: YOU! If you're someone patient/interested enough to read this then chance are, I'd enjoy a chat with you. Add me on here (if you haven't already) and on myspace. Go on, you know you want ...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:25:00 PST

Live dangerously: Britain is overpopulated

Today's post is a bit different, it's a response to someone elses, which you can read here: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&f riendID=39163098&blogID=297409666&indica...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 06:48:00 PST

'coz I is well street, innit.

Children grow fastest during the summer holidays, fact. It's something to do with running around outside in the sun all day being a healthy lifestyle. Now, I don't know whether the same principle app...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 01:13:00 PST

When pigs fly, and Sara cares about music...

If today where another purely narrative entry then it would be even shorter, since today consisted of some tidying, some eating, some watching of a DVD and some talking with a friend, and that's it. ...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 05:22:00 PST

Chris' Retractable Anatomy

What to write about today? The closest I've come to an idea is describing a male friend's plan on redesigning the, uh, male anatomy in an attempt to get elected as God and/or be lynched in the 'Bible...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:02:00 PST

Anyone good at the egg and spoon race?

I don't know whether competition is healthy. It might be an incentive, but for someone to win, someone else has got to lose - and it can't be good to exist solely on either end of the spectrum. Too m...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 04:02:00 PST

Consumerist Culture Vulture

So it's finally looking sunny outside& and I'm hanging around the house. How very typical of me. It's not without due course, however, I am supposed to be supervising everything while my mum runs abo...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:34:00 PST

Piggy in Clean Sty

I am currently sitting in a home office which is very clean, tidy and generally wonderful within the metre square I'm sitting in, but not so amazing in some of the rest of it. As those who home phone...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:43:00 PST

Totally Uncool Ramblings

I was browsing other people's MySpaces tonight. Nothing unusual about that, of course, but it reminded of some trains of thought I keep having, ones that seem as good as any a starting place for a bl...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 03:37:00 PST

Hair like Barbed Wire and the Strictest Catholic Mum EVER

I've just got back in from a trip to the cinema, but let's not call this a review, OK? That implies some kind of critical analysis, or else downright bitchiness, and I can't say that a year of AS Med...
Posted by Miss. Professional Amateur on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 03:44:00 PST