Member Since: 2/4/2006
Band Members: WOLF'S HEAD are a Men's Border Style Morris side,
VIXEN are the contrasting Ladies side.
Anyone else?:
Well apart from the band, we are sometimes accompanied by a Junior side made up of members own children, who wear identical kit to the adults, but dance in mixed sets
What We Do:
Since 1995 we have appeared all over the UK at Folk Festivals, Arts Festivals, Village/School Fetes, Local community events, Weddings, Pagan/New Age conferences and will consider all invites big, small, conventional, or just plain WiErD.
As a result of this policy we have been able to perform in on or near everything from STONEHENGE to TELEVISION!We also offer one of our well attended MORRIS WORKSHOPS where we often take people from merely having a go to getting CREATIVE. Far more fun than orienteering in the rain as TEAM BUILDING exercises go!
As you can see this page is still being changed about, so bear with us.While our main website is down for a revamp (it will be back, promise!), so this is our main online presence and contrary to rumours, we have far from split up!!WE CAN BE CONTACTED via this page or email;PLUS, all the LATEST NEWS and BLOGS about our amazing adventures, Tour Dates and Music Downloads will be found here.
Oh, you mean musically?:
All sorts, and Wolf's Head & Vixen members are equally likely to be found slamming around in a Moshpit as skipping lightly around a Village Hall Ceilidh.
Sounds Like:
Trad and contempory Folk tunes played on a variety of instruments.
Currently the Wolf's Head and Vixen Band might feature;Electric Mandolin, Button Accordian, Fiddle, Penny Whistles, Recorders, Tuba, Guitars, Hurdy Gurdies, Turkish drum, Rope-tensioned Drums and Percussion.The band on the best selling 'Eudaimonia' CD featured Northumbrian Half-long Bag Pipes, Melodian, Penny Whistle, Bass Guitar, Rope Tensioned Drum and Percussion.
Get in touch. Your Stage awaits...
Are we all Pagans/Satanist's?:
Despite what you might read in the Indy and a couple of god botherer websites, no.
To Edit:
To edit
Record Label:
Beer Cart Records
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie