obviously people are bound to fight sometime in their lives, but hey they are human, who doesnt? eventhough me and kelsie have been through some rough times, i still love this girl to death. with our late sprite and watermellon nights, crazy adventures, billion picture taking moments at busch and hours of mailbox hunting, i couldnt have fun without her. me and this girl are so similar its RIDICULOUS. i have known her since she was nine and have watched her grow up and become the wild girl she is today. i love how we listen to songs on repeat and have beach fun allday allnight. secrets and stories are nothing without you. kelsie elisabeth stephens, i love you, youre my bestfriend, forever and a day.<3
Summer Checklist:
1. FINALLY get my license.
2. kelsam adventures for a week long.
3. stay up til the sun comes up.
4. get a tattoo.
5. get a new piercing.
6. visit nags head.
7. find an eleven eleven wish that comes true.
8. warped tour 0hnin9.
9. sweettteaa and spritee night with kels.
10. get a car.
11. finish twilight books.
12. finally get my backhandspring.
13. learn something new.
14. meet new people.
15. take a billion pictures.