I am a Portland girl and proud of it. I have come to realize that shit happens and I can't do anything about it but sit back and watch. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around. I would love to be a Mommy one day, but right now I'm happy being the Godmother to two beautiful little girls. I love to get out and let my hair down. Even if it is just a trip to Adam and Eve with the girls. We just go through the store picking things we would like and showing things we already have. We each talk about that little drawer or box we have at home that is full of fun things and then complain that we never get to use them. lol. Ever notice how being out with the girls makes you just want to open up and talk about EVERYTHING? Man our guys would die if they knew what each of us knows about them. Haha. But I love staying home to. It doesn't matter if it's just me and Darrell cuddled up on the couch watching the TV or if we are at a friend's house hanging out singing ours hearts out. I am living proof that you can have fun without spending a dollar. That dollar isn't always there, you know.