Tears and Memories
out in JUNE as a download only from iTunes
while poets try to engineer definitions of love,
all I can think of is you:
Jamiroquai/ Avril Lavigne/ Lost Prophets/ Maroon 5/ Damien Rice/ The Fratellis/ Maximo Park/ Calvin Harris/ Kate Nash/ The Long Blondes/ Just Jack/ Young Knives/ Thirteen Senses/ Little Barrie/ Lady Souverin/ Killa Kella/ The Earlies/ Maps/ Tilly And The Wall/ The Aliens/ Kid Harpoon/ The Little Ones/ Simple Kid/ Radar/ Wolfman/ The Natives/ Mark Greany (JJ72)/ Mumm-ra/ Peter Brame (Fame Academy)/ Chris Helme (The Seahorses)/ Metric/ Marner Brown/ The Bishops/ Archie Bronson Outfit/ Iamx/ Luke Thoms/ Kym Richey (Ryan Adams)/ Darren Haymen (Heffner)/ The Cribs/ Bloc Party/ Yelps/ Club NME/ NME awards/ Ian McNabb (The Icicle Works)
as well as promotion companies, including:
SJM/ Live Nation/ Eat Your Own Ears/ ATP/ X-Ray/ Knom/ Marshall Arts/ CAA/ Sinister Heart/Chalk/ Neon/ Popstarz.