Hummmm, let me see...i'm what you call...."oNe Of A KiNd!" I like to bring back the 50's style..u know the vintage look! I lov to keep my BoDy in ShApE, either going to the gym or running at the beach. No matter where i'm at..I'm always having a great time.
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People that like to have a good time, goal oriented and have direction in life. Now on the other hand these are a few of the CeLeBrItIeS that i would love to someday meet:
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I'm really open to listen to anything, but i do love 80's fLaShBaCkS, ReGgAe, HiP-HoP, SpAnIsH RoCk and ReGgAeTon.
I'm a big movie freak... i love DiSnEy, CoMeDy, RoMaNcE, ChIcK FlIcKs, ScArY name it, i'm there. I do have some all time favorites like...ShReK, TiTaNiC, OlD ScHoOl, GrEaSe, ThE NoTeBoOk, GoNe WiTh ThE WiNd, RenT, CoAcH CaRtEr, SaVe ThE LaSt DanCe, LooSiNg IsaIAH, EnOuGh and so many more.
I'm not a big person on watching television, but when i do i checkout...ThAt 70'S ShOw, FeAr FacToR, NeXt Top MoDeL and CoOkInG ShOwS early saturday mornings.
The only things that I read are magazines having to do with 101 DiFfErEnT hAiRsTyLeS and MoDeLs StRuTtInG RuNwAy FaShIoN.
My PaReNtS and GoD!